Thursday, September 5, 2019

今年も布谷史人(ぬのやふみと)さんを迎えてマリンバコンサートを開くことができました。13時半と17時半の二回公演。大勢のお客様がお見えでしたが、半分ぐらいは初めての方でした。新聞などのメディアを通してコンサートをお知りになったのでしょうか。ありがたい限りです。今年のプログラムはどちらかと言えば日本人に馴染みのある曲が多く選ばれました。マリンバを教えている人が言っていましたが、マリンバは(マレットと呼ばれるバチで木の鍵盤を叩くのですから)「点」で演奏されます。皆、同じように何本かのマレットを巧みに操って演奏するのですが、何故布谷さんの演奏がこんなにも人の心を捉えて離さないのでしょうか。もちろん技法や練習量に他との差が歴然と出るのですが、一番は布谷さんの音楽の創り方が見事で美しいからなのでしょう。イギリスのBBC Music Magazineで最高点の講評を得たConcertos on Marimba(マリンバのための協奏曲集)という新しいCDを聴きました。ソロでは聴けないマリンバの表情が出ていて素晴らしいの一言です。Fumito Nunoya Marimba concert was held this year, too. We had two performances(1:30pm~, 5:30pm~) with a full audience, of which half were people who were seeing his performance for the first time. They probably found out about this concert by radio and newspaper. I really thank them for coming. Many familiar music to Japanese people were chosen in the program of this year. One of the marimbists said that marimba is played with dots (because they hit wooden keyboard with stick called mallet). All of marimbists play music holding several mallets which looks amazing anyway, but why is it that Mr. Nunoya's play captures the heart of people? Of course it is because of the difference of his technique and amount of practice time from others but the important reason is because of his music. Mr. Nunoya creates his music with wonderful phrasing and it is so beautiful. I listened to his new CD "Concertos on Marimba" which got highest points by critics in "BBC Music Magazine" in UK. It is terrific! One can not help but be amazed by his expression of marimba with the orchestra which is different from solo concert.