Saturday, July 29, 2017

7月29日(土曜日) 2017

お知らせです。9月3日(日曜日)に「多賀あさひや」で第二回目のイベントを行ないます。今回はマリンバの世界的奏者の布谷史人(ぬのや・ふみと)さん(をお迎えします。前回の能の会は日本の古典芸能、能の世界を身近に観ていただきましたが、今回は洋楽の世界です。布谷さんの経歴は輝かしいものですが、彼のマリンバを通してそこに広がる深い感動の世界へ皆様をお誘いいたします。どうぞ早目のご予約をお願いします。予約(問い合わせ)0749-48-0186 (10am-5pm) または 。I am pleased to announce that we will have the second event at Taga Asahiya on 3rd September, 2017. This time, we will invite internationally known Marimbist, Mr. Fumito Nunoya. In the previous event we wanted you to appreciate Japanese classic art, Noh in our old house. This time, it is western music. Mr. Nunoya has a marvelous music background and has garnered numerous awards from international competitions as a marimbist. I would like to invite you to his lively and sophisticated music world through his marimba. Please reserve your seat in advance.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

7月22日(土曜日) 2017

6月18日(日曜日)に多賀あさひやで行なった能の会に来ていただいたシテ方能楽師の鵜澤久先生のブログに多賀でのイベントの様子が書かれています。 ご覧下さい。We invited Kanze school Shite Noh master, Hisa Uzawa for the event which was held on June 18. She wrote about the event on her blog. Please take a look at the site.

Friday, July 21, 2017

7月21日(土曜日) 2017

滋賀県も梅雨が明けましたが、お天気は雨が降ったり、曇っていたり、はっきりしません。ムシムシ(蒸し蒸し)した毎日。この気候はムシ(虫) たちには最高なのでしょう。蟻、蜘蛛、それに恐怖のゴキブリが私の前につぎつぎに姿を見せます。一昨日は風呂場に今まで見たこともないような大蜘蛛が私に挑戦するかのように待っていました。ドキドキしながら侵入者には外に出てもらいましたが、未知との遭遇はまだまだあるのでしょうか。According to the weather report, the rainy season is over now. However it has still been raining and cloudy. This hot and humid climate might be best for insects. Ants, spiders and the most unwelcome cockroaches show up in front of me. The day before yesterday, a huge spider which I have never seen before was waiting for me in the bathroom. It seemed like he was challenging me. I was scared but needed to have him go outside. Should I expect to face more challenging situations?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

7月16日(日曜日) 2017

先日ブログで紹介しましたが、近江を特集した「つなぐ通信vol 16 Summer」がインテーネットでも見られることをお知らせします。 海外や他府県にお住まいの方、どうぞ滋賀にお越し下さい。雑誌の中程に「多賀あさひや」が素敵な写真と一緒に紹介されています。私事でお恥ずかしいですが、お読みいただければ幸いです。The other day I introduced the magazine, "Tusnagu-Tsuushin" which featured Ohmi (Shiga-prefecture) in its most recent issue. Now you are able to read it online . I would like to invite people who are living outside of Shiga to come to this interesting region. There are pages in the middle of the magazine which introduces my cafe "Taga Asahiya" with nice photos. Although it is all written in Japanese, I would be glad if you have a chance to take a look.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

7月15日(土曜日) 2017

梅雨明けはまだですが、先日から「猛暑日」とか「高温注意報」という言葉が頻繁に聞かれます。35℃を越す気温と日本特有の湿気で体力消耗ぎみの毎日。今はエアコンのお蔭で室内では快適に過ごすことができますが、それでも色や音それに触感などに涼しさ、爽やかさを創りだそうとした昔の日本人の芸術性は尊敬に値します。涼しげな風知草とトクサ(木賊)の鉢植えをH.Nさんが持ってきて下さいました。Although the rainy season has not ended yet, it has been terribly warm and I often hear ”Extremely hot day" or "High temperature warning" on the radio. I am very exhausted these days due to the temperature of more than 35℃ (95°F) and high humidity which is unique to Japan. Luckily we can stay cool in a room with an air conditioner nowadays. People in the old days created devices or gave ideas using colors, sounds and sense of touch to feel cooler and more fresh in their daily lives. I really admire their artistic creativity. Yesterday, my friend H.N brought two pots of plants for me. One is Fuuchisoo (Hakonechioa) and the other one is Tokusa (Hosetails). They make us feel COOOOL!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

7月8日(土曜日) 2017

これは紅花。少し前の写真ですが、やはりT.Kさんに頂いたものです。「紅花」と言えば、スタジオジブリ制作、高畑勲監督のアニメ「思い出ぽろぽろ」を思い出します。そして、私にとってはそのアニメをボストンの大学で日本語の教材として何年も使ったので、アニメのシーンと同時に教室での学生達との思い出が蘇ってきます。私自身にとっても紅花は「思い出ぽろぽろ」そのものなのです。This is BENIBANA (safflower). I took this photo a while ago. Mr. T.K brought it to me. When I see BENIBANA, it makes me recall Studio Ghibli animation "Only Yesterday" directed by Isao Takahata and since I used the film as material for Japanese language class, I also recall the days with my students in Japanese class in Boston. Therefore BENIBANA for me is the flower that represents the memories of my time with my students in the US.

Monday, July 3, 2017

7月3日(月曜日) 2017

4月の多賀祭りの日に東京から、多賀大社の古例祭のことや古民家カフェ「多賀あさひや」を取材に来てくださったフリーマガジン「つなぐ通信」vol. 16 2017 年Summer が発行されました。「つなぐ通信」は過去にフリーペーパー大賞や読者賞などを次々に受賞しています。今回の特集は近江で、近江八幡、愛荘町、木之本、永源寺、湖東町、そして多賀町を取り上げて下さいました。美しい写真と丁寧な記事。どのページもスタッフの良いものを作ろうという一丸となった気持ちが伝わってきます。「多賀あさひや」を載せていただけたこと感謝しています。On the day of Taga-matsuri in April, magazine staff from Tokyo came to conduct an interview and take photos. The name of the magazine is "Tsunagu-Tsuushin (lit. connect-communication) and the newest issue, vol. 16 was published recently. This magazine won the Free Paper Grand Prize, and the Reader's Prize in the past. Taga-Asahiya was introduced as an old house cafe, among others in "Ohmi (Shiga-prefecture)". They featured places in Ohmi-hachiman, Aishoo-choo, Kinomoto, Eigenji and Kotoo-choo other than Taga-choo. There are beautiful photos, detailed and careful articles on each page. I am grateful that they introduced Taga and my cafe.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

7月1日(土曜日) 2017

激しい雨は止みましたが、今日は蒸し暑い一日となり、表で道の工事をしている人達の日焼けした顔に汗が光っていました。数週間前にT.Kさんからいただいて庭に置いておいたイワヒバ(岩松)が連日の雨で元気に開いて力強い緑を見せています。岩場に生息するシダ植物だそうで、ネットの情報によると花言葉は「稔り」「負けない心」「長寿」ということです。After the heavy rain last night, it became a hot and humid day. I saw the sweaty faces of the men working on the road construction in front of the cafe. Iwahiba (Seiaginella tamariscina) which Mr. T.K brought to me a couple of weeks ago was lively, open, and showed a deep green color in the garden. According to internet information, it is a fern plant that grows in rocks and the language of these flowers are "harvest", "unbeatable spirit" and "long life".