Saturday, July 29, 2017

7月29日(土曜日) 2017

お知らせです。9月3日(日曜日)に「多賀あさひや」で第二回目のイベントを行ないます。今回はマリンバの世界的奏者の布谷史人(ぬのや・ふみと)さん(をお迎えします。前回の能の会は日本の古典芸能、能の世界を身近に観ていただきましたが、今回は洋楽の世界です。布谷さんの経歴は輝かしいものですが、彼のマリンバを通してそこに広がる深い感動の世界へ皆様をお誘いいたします。どうぞ早目のご予約をお願いします。予約(問い合わせ)0749-48-0186 (10am-5pm) または 。I am pleased to announce that we will have the second event at Taga Asahiya on 3rd September, 2017. This time, we will invite internationally known Marimbist, Mr. Fumito Nunoya. In the previous event we wanted you to appreciate Japanese classic art, Noh in our old house. This time, it is western music. Mr. Nunoya has a marvelous music background and has garnered numerous awards from international competitions as a marimbist. I would like to invite you to his lively and sophisticated music world through his marimba. Please reserve your seat in advance.