Wednesday, February 27, 2019


5日間の風野工房、染飾布展が昨日終りました。開催中お天気に恵まれたのは幸いでした。 展示会にお出でくださった皆様、ありがとうございました。野田さんの作品が古民家の我が家に ぴったり合うとお客様皆様が言ってくださり、作品と日本家屋の両方を楽しんで下さったのは この上なく嬉しいことでした。展示会の片付けが終って、すぐ今度はお雛様を飾りました。古いお人形ですが 一年振りに床の間に飾るとそれぞれが息を吹き返したように語りかけてきます。展示会で購入した 野田さんの額が床の間を一層明るくしています。The five-day dyeing textile exhibition by Kaze no Kobo finished yesterday. We were lucky because during the exhibition all the days were clear fine days. I am grateful for those people who came to the exhibition. They said that Mr. Noda's art work matches well with my old Japanese house and they appreciated both his beautiful work and my old house which made me very happy. Soon after cleaning up the exhibition, I displayed Hina dolls in the alcove. Old Hina dolls appeared from the boxes they were stored in since one year ago and it looked as if they were talking lively to me. Mr. Noda's frame which I have just bought at the exhibition brightens up the area in the alcove.

Friday, February 22, 2019


風野工房の染飾布展が始まりました。 古民家の我が家が野田浩二さんの染飾布で華やかに彩られ、それでいて 不思議な落ち着きを保っています。床の間も廊下も普段とは違った 和モダンなしつらえになり、気分最高です。展示品は全てお買い求めいただけます。どうぞお越し下さい。The dyeing textile exhibition by Kaze no Kobo has just started at my cafe today. Beautiful dyeing textiles by artist, Koji Noda are on display at my Japanese house. The textiles are brilliant but at the same time they maintain a sense of composure. The alcove and hallway are decorated in modern Wafu (modern Japanese style) which make these areas of the house looks very different from usual. The new look makes me very happy. You are able to purchase the textile pieces if you would like to. Hope many people will come and enjoy the exhibition.

Monday, February 18, 2019


今年のお年玉年賀はがきは8枚が下二ケタ、つまり記念切手がもらえる当選番号でした。 去年は可愛いワンちゃんの切手だったので、今年は干支のいのししのデザインかなと思っていましたが 郵便局のカウンター越しに見えたシールは真ん中に白いものが、手にするとそれは招き猫でした。 62円が右手、82円が左手を上げています。でもよく見るとこの二匹の猫ちゃん左右対称では ないように見えます。(気のせいかもしれませんが)それぞれ目の大きさもやや違うようで、 それなりに個性が出ているのが面白いです。I received many New Year's postcards with lottery numbers in the beginning of this year, as well as last year. At the end of January, the winning numbers were announced. I got eight postcards which matched with the last two figures of the winning number and it means I am able to get eight sets of special stamps. Last year, cute dogs were designed on the sheet because it was dog's year in Chinese zodiac so I was expecting wild boar on the sheet this year, but when I saw the sheet over the counter at the post office, I could see something white in the middle and I recognized it was a beckoning cat when I was handed the sheet. There are two stamps on the sheet and the beckoning cat's right paw is raised on the 62 yen stamp and the one on the other stamp has its left paw raised. Upon looking at them closely, I noticed they are not symmetrical. It seems that one has slightly bigger eyes than the other. It is interesting that each one shows their personalities.

Monday, February 4, 2019


「多賀あさひや」の暖簾をつくって下さった 永源寺、風野工房(野田浩二さん、公子さん)の染色布展のご案内です。


素敵な野田さんの作品が今年も見られます。 皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Koji Noda who is a textile artist and owner of the studio, "Kaze no Kobo" in Ehgengi, will have an exhibition at my cafe.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


今日は節分でした。お昼ごろから曇り始め夕方には雨も降りましたが、 多賀大社は豆まきで大変賑わっていたとお客様から聞きました。 昨日、山田周生さんたちからいただいた岩手のお土産を紹介しましたが、 私からは前日の夕食で使った廃食油をお渡ししました。 山田さんの大きなトヨタのランドクルーザー(ランクル)はガゾリンではなく この廃油で動くので、喜んで受け取って下さいました。廃油を精製してバイオディーゼル燃料にする小型精製装置を山田さんが考案して滋賀県で作ってもらったため、毎年来滋して装置を下ろして車検を受け、再び装置を搭載して岩手に帰るのです。日頃から自分で整備なさっているそうですが、車検の前は特に念入りに錆など落として、大津での厳しい車検に臨まれるそうです。世界を一周し、東日本大震災直後ガソリンスタンドが閉鎖されて他の車が動かない中、被災者への物資の運搬で大活躍したこのランクルを目の前に見て感動します。そして僅かながらも私の提供した廃食油を入れて下さる山田さんに心からのエールを送ります。Today was Setsubun (a holiday to celebrate the coming of spring). It was a rainy day in the end, but Taga Taisha was crowded because of the ceremony of throwing dried soy beans and little rice cakes by the people who became 60 years old. Yesterday I introduced souvenirs from Iwate given to me by Mr. Yamada, and in return I gave waste cooking oil to him. His big Toyota Land Cruiser (Lan-Cru) runs on waste cooking oil instead of gasoline, so he looked happy to receive my gift. Mr. Yamada designed a small type device which makes diesel fuel from waste cooking oil, which he had a mechanic in Shiga make. So every year when he needs to have his car inspected, he comes to Shiga and takes the device off from the car and puts it on again after the inspection. Mr. Yamada finished going around the world with this biodiesel car. Just after The Great East Japan Earthquake, people couldn't use regular gas fuel cars because all gas stations were closed, so Mr. Yamada drove this biodiesel car actively for carrying necessary goods to the people in the affected site. I was impressed when I stood by his biodiesel car which had gone through such an important duty. Mr. Yamada put my waste cooking oil into the device, and I send hearty cheers to him.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


山田周生さんのお話会の感想が入ってきます。 15分の休憩を入れて3時間に及ぶ長いお話になりましたが 「興味深い話しばかりで時間がすぐに過ぎてしまいました」 「自分の好きなことをするのは大事な事と改めて思いました。」 以前に山田さんのお話を聞いたという方も「今回のが今までで一番よかった」「自分の今後の生き方に何か活かしたいと思えたことが、一番の収穫でした」 「冒険のお話は前に聞きましたが、今回は復興のお話が入っていて、多賀の 地元の活性化の参考になり大変役立ちました。そして勇気づけられました。」などです。お話会のお知らせが届けられなかった方が沢山いらっしゃり、 皆さんお聞きになりたかっただろうと思うと本当に申し訳なく思います。 来年もこの時期になりますが山田さんには是非またお話の機会を作っていた だきたいと思います。最後に岩手からお持ちくださったお土産をご紹介します。まず「いわて三陸 海と森のなたね油」は山田周生さんが代表をつとめる ユナイテッドグリーンが製造している化学肥料や農薬、除草剤を一切使わずに 育てたなたね油。その後ろは岩手県の名菓「かもめの玉子」、その横はつばきの花と葉が美しい「椿花さく」というお菓子、後ろの丸い箱には珍しい椿茶のティーバッグが入っていました。なたね油は去年も頂きましたが、おしゃれな瓶に貼ってあるラベルは新しいデザインで中身もバージョンアップしたそうです。 I am receiving many comments about Mr. Shusei Yamada's talk. The talk ended up being 3 hours long including a 15 min. intermission and it was so powerful. Let me introduce some voices from the audience here. "All of the stories were interesting and it passed so quickly." "I again realized it is important for us to do what we want to do." Some people had already listened to him talk before but they said, "It was the best talk among all of his talks I attended." "It is most fulfilling for me to live by the idea which Mr. Yamada gave to us." "I heard about Mr. Yamada's adventure before, but the talk today was a little different because he talked about the reconstruction of The Great East Japan Earthquake as well as his adventures. It was very useful for me as it motivated me to revitalize my village in Taga. I received encouragement by his talk." It was too bad that I could not give notice to many people who may have been interested in Mr. Yamada's talk. I wish he will talk next year again. Lastly I would like to introduce things from Iwate. First one is a bottle of rapeseed oil which was produced by United-green where Mr. Yamada is a representative. This rapeseed doesn't contain any chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemical or herbicide ( Behind the oil is a sweet from Iwate "Kamome no Tamago (Seagull's egg ". The next one is also an Iwate sweet and the one behind is a box of Camellia tea. I received rapeseed oil last year too and I like the bottle. It is so cute. This year the label was newly designed and the oil was upgraded.