Saturday, February 2, 2019


山田周生さんのお話会の感想が入ってきます。 15分の休憩を入れて3時間に及ぶ長いお話になりましたが 「興味深い話しばかりで時間がすぐに過ぎてしまいました」 「自分の好きなことをするのは大事な事と改めて思いました。」 以前に山田さんのお話を聞いたという方も「今回のが今までで一番よかった」「自分の今後の生き方に何か活かしたいと思えたことが、一番の収穫でした」 「冒険のお話は前に聞きましたが、今回は復興のお話が入っていて、多賀の 地元の活性化の参考になり大変役立ちました。そして勇気づけられました。」などです。お話会のお知らせが届けられなかった方が沢山いらっしゃり、 皆さんお聞きになりたかっただろうと思うと本当に申し訳なく思います。 来年もこの時期になりますが山田さんには是非またお話の機会を作っていた だきたいと思います。最後に岩手からお持ちくださったお土産をご紹介します。まず「いわて三陸 海と森のなたね油」は山田周生さんが代表をつとめる ユナイテッドグリーンが製造している化学肥料や農薬、除草剤を一切使わずに 育てたなたね油。その後ろは岩手県の名菓「かもめの玉子」、その横はつばきの花と葉が美しい「椿花さく」というお菓子、後ろの丸い箱には珍しい椿茶のティーバッグが入っていました。なたね油は去年も頂きましたが、おしゃれな瓶に貼ってあるラベルは新しいデザインで中身もバージョンアップしたそうです。 I am receiving many comments about Mr. Shusei Yamada's talk. The talk ended up being 3 hours long including a 15 min. intermission and it was so powerful. Let me introduce some voices from the audience here. "All of the stories were interesting and it passed so quickly." "I again realized it is important for us to do what we want to do." Some people had already listened to him talk before but they said, "It was the best talk among all of his talks I attended." "It is most fulfilling for me to live by the idea which Mr. Yamada gave to us." "I heard about Mr. Yamada's adventure before, but the talk today was a little different because he talked about the reconstruction of The Great East Japan Earthquake as well as his adventures. It was very useful for me as it motivated me to revitalize my village in Taga. I received encouragement by his talk." It was too bad that I could not give notice to many people who may have been interested in Mr. Yamada's talk. I wish he will talk next year again. Lastly I would like to introduce things from Iwate. First one is a bottle of rapeseed oil which was produced by United-green where Mr. Yamada is a representative. This rapeseed doesn't contain any chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemical or herbicide ( Behind the oil is a sweet from Iwate "Kamome no Tamago (Seagull's egg ". The next one is also an Iwate sweet and the one behind is a box of Camellia tea. I received rapeseed oil last year too and I like the bottle. It is so cute. This year the label was newly designed and the oil was upgraded.