Thursday, May 31, 2018


朝から雨の肌寒い一日となりました。時折、激しく叩き付けるような雨脚に驚きながら先日の能の会がお天気であったことに今更ながらほっとして時間を過ごしました。さて、今カフェのカウンター横と蔵の壁には彦根のスケッチ画家、松居清恵(きよしげ)さんの多賀町各地の初夏の風景が額に入れられて掛けてあります。今は無人になってしまった大杉の大杉医院、遠く山裾の八重練の美しい集落、夏場は賑わう河内の風穴付近など地域の人には見慣れた風景であり、初めての人にはひっそりと佇む多賀町の美しい風景の数々です。どれもつい最近描かれたものばかりです。 是非、見にいらして下さい。It was a bit cold and rainy today since morning. Surprised by the heavy rain which was sometimes pelting down, I spent the time feeling relieved because the day of the noh event last Saturday was a fine day. By the way, you will see many sketches by Mr. Kiyoshige Matsui in the cafe. He caught the scene of Ohsugi clinic in Ohsugi (Ohtaki area) which is unoccupied now, the village of Yaeneri which stays beautiful in the skirts of a mountain, the area of Kawachi which is crowded in summer known as limestone cave, etc. These are familiar views for the local people or beautiful views for the people who are new to those places. Every sketch was drawn quite recently. I really hope you will come to cafe and enjoy them.

Friday, May 18, 2018


「多賀あさひや」の暖簾は永源寺の染織家、野田浩二さん(に作っていただいたもので、カフェの一番のアクセントとしてお客様に好評をいただいております。野田さんはこの2月21日〜25日の間「風野工房の染飾布展」を「多賀あさひや」で開催して下さり、連日大賑わいでした。最終日に残った作品の中から買い求めたタペストリーを我が家の壁に掛けました。木版の額ともよく合って落ち着いたコーナーになっています。それから、先月永源寺で開かれた「春の工房展」では気に入った暖簾があったのでそれも購入。麻地に中は明るい円で背景は青いグラデーションが入りとても涼しそうで素敵だと思いました。我が家では少し暗い所ですがおしゃれに掛けてみました。毎日うっとりと眺めています。写真をランプの灯りだけで撮って見たら何とも幻想的な感じで、まるで満月がまっすぐこちらを見ているようではありませんか。野田さんご夫妻と素晴らしい作品の数々に出会えたことは本当に幸運です。The shop curtain of my cafe was made by Koji Noda (, a fabric-dyeing artist, in Ehgenji. It has a good reputation as a symbol and an accent of the cafe as well. Mr. and Mrs. Noda held their exhibition in February at my cafe and many people came to see and buy his artwork. On the last day I chose one tapestry and hung it on the wall in the corner near two wood print frames. They are well matched and this corner became my favorite spot in the house. In April, their spring exhibition was held at Noda's residence and studio in Ehgenji. I found and bought one which I liked very much. It is hemp cloth and in the center there is a light colored circle with a blue gradient background. It looked so cool and nice. I hung it nicely in the living room and am enjoying this beautiful art work everyday. I took a photo of it, lit only by the lamp light. What a beautiful and fantastic world it created. It is as if a big full moon is just in front of me! I truly think that I am lucky to happen to meet Mr. & Mrs. Noda and to come across their beautiful artwork.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

数日前から酷い咳と鼻づまりで、私としたことが鬼の撹乱かと苦笑いです。夕べは昔祖母が作ってくれた卵酒をネットでしらべて作って飲みましたが、効果があったのかなかったのか。今日も寒気と時折襲う咳にうんざりしながらもカフェを開けました。幸か不幸かカフェはいたって暇で、友達のH.Nさんが訪ねてくれてゆっくりおしゃべりしたのと、数人のお客さんと対応するだけでご迷惑はかけずに 済みました。今、k.d. lang CDに聴き入っています。30年も前にふとテレビで知ったカナダ人のk.d. langに当時はまってCDを数枚買いましたが、その後全く遠ざかっていました。先日ボストンの家で彼女のCDが出てきて以来また熱心に聴いています。新しいのもネットで買いました。欧米の歌手に詳しいとはお世辞にも言えない私ですがk.d. langは大好きです。毎回「うまいなー」としみじみ聴き入ってしまいます、体調のことなどすっかり忘れて。I have been suffering a terrible cough and stuffy nose since a couple of days ago. I really think to myself, "what is the matter with me!" Last night I made eggnog (made with sake) and took it before I went to bed which my grandma used to make for me when I caught a cold. I don't know whether it is effective or not, but anyhow I opened the cafe today although I am still tired from coughing and stuffy nose. Luckily or maybe unluckily, the cafe was very slow today. My friend H.N visited me and we had a long conversation, otherwise I just had short conversations with a couple of people in the cafe without giving them much trouble. Now I am listening to a CD of k.d. lang and relaxing. I happened to see her on TV about 30 yrs ago in Boston. I bought a couple of her CDs and became a fan of her but I haven't listened to her music for many years. About a month ago I found her CDs in my home in Boston, and ever since I have been listening to her music again. I don't know very much about western singers but I really like k.d. lang. Every time I listen to her music, I admire her beautiful voice. While I listen to her CD, I forget my terrible condition.

Sunday, May 13, 2018


昨日はカフェをS.Kさんにお願いして、午後Y.Eさんと一円→栗栖→八重練→久徳→一円のウォーキングコースの下見に出かけました。実はこれは多賀町が募集した「わが町自慢のウォーキングコース」に応募して入選したT.Kさん発案コースの逆バージョンなのです。お天気は上々。運動靴、水筒、帽子、それにカメラの軽装で一円の集落を出発。芹川の透き通った流れを右に見ながら栗栖の調宮(ととのみや)神社に到着。調宮神社は多賀大社の元宮で4月22日に多賀祭りの時は大切な神事がここから始まります。栗栖から八重練に向かう杉木立の道は夏はいかにも涼しそう。八重練では一番北にある高松神社が神秘的で集落のメインスポットとなりそうです。二時間以上かかってゆっくり一円に戻ってきた時は結構疲れていましたが、歩いているのは私達二人だけで新緑と清流を愛でながら時間を過ごせたのは何よりでした。Yesterday I asked Ms. S.K to take care of the cafe and I went to check a walking course in advance with Ms. Y.E.. We started from Ichien village to Kurusu, Yaeneri,Kyuutoku and back to Ichien. Actually this course is goes in the opposite direction from Mr. T.K 's walking course idea, which was submitted as an entry to "A Walking Course showing Taga pride" and won. The weather was perfect. Upon putting on nice walking shoes, hat and taking a water bottle and camera, we first walked up along Seri-gawa (river) on the right. We arrived at Totonomiya-shrine in Kurusu village. Totonomiya is an original shrine of Taga Taisha and on the festival day of Taga Taisha on April 22nd, the very important religious service is held here. The walkway in the midst of ceder trees from Kurusu to Yaeneri is beautiful and it looks very cool in the summer. In Yaeneri, Takamatsu-shrine is in the most northern part of the village and it is little bit mystical so we thought it must be a notable spot in the village. When we came back to the starting point after over two hours of walking, we both were very tired but we didn't see other walkers while we were walking. It was a really fulfilling time for us to walk and appreciate the fresh greenery and clear water in the river.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


カフェが終ってからT氏のお誘いで「野外劇団 楽市楽座」を観に長浜八幡神社へ向かいました。夕方からポツポツ降り出した雨は次第に本降りになり、途中のコンビニで傘を購入。雨なのに野外で?と初めての私には状況が理解できないまま現地到着。見ると神社の境内に小さな野外劇場が作られていました。円形に観客用のベンチが3列に置かれ、その真ん中に直径6メートル、深さ50センチほどの円形のプール。プールには円形の木のステージが浮いてゆっくりと回っていました。観客のところは雨よけのテントが張られていましたが、ステージの上は何もなし。何コレ…?やがて異様な衣装の3人が現れて、新作「赤いクツ」の始まりです。入場無料とはいえ「おひねり」用の紙が配られ気に入った所で観客がステージにお金を包んで投げるという前代未聞の芝居見物です。雨は容赦なくステージの三人に降りかかります。3人は親子で座長で父親の長山現さんの巧みなギターが間合い良く入り3人の熱演を盛り上げます。政治色がチラリと入るところは個人的には好きではありませんが、雨の中、絵になる動きで歌いながらまさに体を張って芝居をするその集中力と独自性に拍手喝采です。勿論、おひねりも特別に弾みました。「楽市楽座」はこれから全国を行脚して上演するそうです。After the café had closed, I headed to Hachiman shrine in Nagahama upon receiving Mr. T's invitation to see "Open-air theatre, Rakuichi-Rakuza" The rain had started in the afternoon and there was no sign of the weather clearing up, so Mr. T and I stopped by the convenience store and we both bought umbrellas. I wondered "Is the Open-air theatre still going to be held in the rain?". Without having any idea of what the stage would be like, we arrived at the shrine. There was a temporarily assembled playhouse with three rows of benches surrounding a round shaped stage. The stage was floating in the round shaped water pool (20 feet diameter, 1.6 ft depth). A blue sheet was covered over the bench area in order to avoid the audience from getting wet but there was no roof in the center. What is it ?! I have never seen such a strange stage. At 7pm three actors started the play titled " the Red shoes". It was free of charge but we were given several sheets of paper which were for Ohineri (wrapping money), to be thrown to the stage from the audience to praise the actors. It was a completely new experience for me to see this sort of play. The rain kept falling on the stage and I felt sorry for the actors who were moving around and acting with full energy. Three are family members and Mr. Nagayama who is a father and the leader of the group played guitar very well. Although I didn't like the political part, it was well directed and fun. I applauded for their energetic acting despite the rain and their originality. Of course I didn't forget to throw Ohineri many times. The troupe will go on a national tour of Japan.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


ご近所の和菓子屋さん「風月堂」に「特製ちまき」の張り紙がしてあり、端午の節句に因み早速購入しました。ネット情報によるとちまきの由来は古く平安時代からとのこと。元は中国からで「屈原(くつげん)」という詩人で民衆に慕われた政治家の話しです。屈原は陰謀により失脚させられ入水自殺してしまいます。悲しんだ民衆は屈原の亡霊が魚に食べられないように米を笹の葉に包んで川に投げ込み弔ったそうで、それが5月5日の出来事だったということです。これが「災いを祓う風習」となりました。昔日本では笹ではなく茅(かや)の葉に包んでいたので「ちがやまき」と呼ばれていたとのこと。それが後に邪気を祓う笹を使うようになり中身も餅や餅の中に餡をいれたりして変わってきたようです。子供が元気にすくすく育つように、うちも風月堂のおじさん手作りの特製ちまきを床の間のお人形にお供えしました。I saw a sign "Special made Chimaki (wrapped cake in bamboo leaves)" in front of the Japanese sweet shop "Fugetsudoo" which is near my cafe. Since the day after tomorrow is Children's Day, I bought the bundle of Chimaki there. According to information from the internet, the origin of Chimaki goes way back to the Heian period in Japan and it comes from the story of Kutsugen in China who was a poet and beloved politician by the people. He fell from power because of a conspiracy and subsequently committed suicide by drowning. People who felt sorrow for him wrapped rice in bamboo leaves and threw them into the river so that his spirit would not be eaten by fish, and that was on May fifth. This became a ritual for keeping away harm. In the old days, Japanese people wrapped rice by "Kaya no ha ( thatch leave)', so they called it as "Chigayamaki". Later on, they used bamboo leaves instead which was known as protection from evil. They also changed the inside to the rice cake. I offered the Chimaki which was made by the master of Fugetsudo to the warrior dolls in the alcove praying for the children in the world to grow up happily and healthily.