「多賀あさひや」の暖簾は永源寺の染織家、野田浩二さん(http://www.t-craft.com/enraian/)に作っていただいたもので、カフェの一番のアクセントとしてお客様に好評をいただいております。野田さんはこの2月21日〜25日の間「風野工房の染飾布展」を「多賀あさひや」で開催して下さり、連日大賑わいでした。最終日に残った作品の中から買い求めたタペストリーを我が家の壁に掛けました。木版の額ともよく合って落ち着いたコーナーになっています。それから、先月永源寺で開かれた「春の工房展」では気に入った暖簾があったのでそれも購入。麻地に中は明るい円で背景は青いグラデーションが入りとても涼しそうで素敵だと思いました。我が家では少し暗い所ですがおしゃれに掛けてみました。毎日うっとりと眺めています。写真をランプの灯りだけで撮って見たら何とも幻想的な感じで、まるで満月がまっすぐこちらを見ているようではありませんか。野田さんご夫妻と素晴らしい作品の数々に出会えたことは本当に幸運です。The shop curtain of my cafe was made by Koji Noda (http://www.t-craft.com/enraian/), a fabric-dyeing artist, in Ehgenji. It has a good reputation as a symbol and an accent of the cafe as well. Mr. and Mrs. Noda held their exhibition in February at my cafe and many people came to see and buy his artwork. On the last day I chose one tapestry and hung it on the wall in the corner near two wood print frames. They are well matched and this corner became my favorite spot in the house. In April, their spring exhibition was held at Noda's residence and studio in Ehgenji. I found and bought one which I liked very much. It is hemp cloth and in the center there is a light colored circle with a blue gradient background. It looked so cool and nice. I hung it nicely in the living room and am enjoying this beautiful art work everyday. I took a photo of it, lit only by the lamp light. What a beautiful and fantastic world it created. It is as if a big full moon is just in front of me! I truly think that I am lucky to happen to meet Mr. & Mrs. Noda and to come across their beautiful artwork.