Monday, July 22, 2024





What I wish for the most about a long trip by airplane is a not fully-occupied plane, rather than a good meal or cabin service. If I am traveling with my family or friend, I would be happy to sit side by side, but I wish nobody would sit or somebody with good manners would sit next to me. This time, however, it didn't go that way.

My flight to Boston was full and a young big male passenger took the next seat to me. I thought it must be so cramped for him in such a narrow seat. He put his left arm on the armrest which was in between two of our seats. I saw his bracelet used to gain entrance to Mount Fuji (?). He seemed very tired and kept sleeping during the whole flight for hours without taking any meal. It was ok, but the thing I was uncomfortable with was that his head, which had long hair tied back, came over the armrest and leaned towards me. It was obviously out of manner. I did reseat myself to let him know that he was encroaching into my space. At that moment he was surprised and got his back straight but soon he did the same thing again. He kept bothering me. I leaned myself towards the window and read a book or watched movies to forget his annoying movement. I really wished that the remaining flight time to Boston would decrease.

Watching nice movies were the only things that relieved me from uncomfortable situations. I watched Casablanca (1942) and Forrest Gump (1994) which were both masterpieces. I was moved by Rick (H.Bogart)'s unselfish love toward Lisa (Ingrid Bergman) in Casablanca. This was my second time watching Forrest Gump, and I was amazed by the acting of Tom Hanks. Both of these movies were really wonderful.

Even though it was an economy seat, the airfare was still expensive and it was full of passengers. Last time when I was on the plane in February, there were many vacant seats. I don't know why it was so crowded on this flight. I felt that I drew a bad lottery this time but I am relieved to be able to arrive in Boston anyhow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024




My family member in US asked me to buy "Perfect Food" produced by NISSIN FOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD. Perfect Food?! What a shocking name of the product! I checked it on the net, and it contains 33 kinds of nutrients which are based on Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese. It looks the same as the regular Instant cup noodle but the price is higher than the regular one. The most popular "Perfect Food" is "Karee-Meshi (curry rice)" but there are several variations such as Fried Noodles, Smoothies, etc.. At the market I went to, they didn't have one, so I ordered some from the product company online.

I haven't tasted it yet, but Mr. O, who came to the cafe, said that he got it for free at some exhibition hall when it first went on sale and he said it was good. He also showed me the figure of "Karee-Meshi kun (Mr. Curry rice)" on his cell phone. It is a well-crafted figure and worth 4400 yen (about 40 dollars?) which surprised me very much.

This "Perfect Food" must be not perfect in terms of nutrition, but this new type of instant food made by new food technology is very popular among the busy business people and young generation. I usually don't eat this type of instant food and don't know very much about them, but now I feel I am walking a little bit behind, I recognize "the current era".


Saturday, July 13, 2024



Among more than ten picture books from library, I chose "Sannen Tohge (three years mountain pass)" for the second graders at Elemetary School. It is a Korean folktale. Ms. Lee who is Korean born and raised in Japan wrote in rhythmical very good Japanese. Ms. Park, who is also Korean and born in Japan, drew pictures along with the stories which expressed old Korean living.

At the scene where the old man, the main character in the story, might have been dying, kids in the class showed their seriousness but it turned to the happy ending and everybody looked relieved. All of the class sat on the floor and looked at me. I was glad they enjoyed my storytelling. It has been very warm these days but I want them to have a happy and healthy time at the school.

Thursday, July 11, 2024




    I changed my bed to a new one. Up until now, it was a very old one which my grandma used when she was not well. My father bought it for her and this made it easy for my aunts who came to take care of their mother to do their work. After my grandma passed away, my father used the bed for himself. Then he passed away, and it stayed in my house for thirty years. Eight years ago, I decided to come back my native house and while the old house was being renovated, the bed was still in my house with other old furniture. At first I was planning to throw it away, but I changed my mind to use it for my bed although the headboard and mattress got dirty and had stains, and I didn't mind them except for one thing. It was that the spring of the bed was too soft for me.

    About a month ago, I hit my right side strongly and I had a hard time lying down and rolling over onto my other side on the bed. I also couldn't sleep well but I have been getting well and now I am able to lie down normally. Even so, I have trouble falling asleep and it has been like this for many years. The other night when I was in bed, I thought that I should change my bed to the new one more suitable and will lead me into a good sleep. Next day I went to a furniture store in Hikone to buy a suitable bed where I can ask for delivery and take away my old bed.

    It was actually over my budget, but I am happy to get my new bed. There is a Dreamcatcher beside the window which is from my friend in Boston. I am sure I will enjoy my sleeping time to get a more comfortable and deep sleep.

Saturday, July 6, 2024




I heard the news of the landslide caused by the heavy rain at Ibuki district in Shiga. Mountain side of Taga town is a part of Suzuka Mountains which runs at the border of Shiga prefecture and MIe prefecture, so people who are living in these areas must be worried about the same situation.

Today was unstable weather which was rainy and cloudy. I opened the cafe anyhow, and when I was doing houseworks in the back kitchen, someone came in the cafe and said " Kazuko, do you mind helping me?". I was surprised at that voice and rushed into the cafe. It was Ms.C with green beans in her hands. She came to bring green beans for me because she got many from her acquaintance at the local senior gathering. I appreciated her humble way of offering. I was pleased to receive her gift.

It was funny that she had more beans in her closed umbrella instead of carrying a bag and started placing beans out on the table. Then suddenly her blue umbrella opened and some beans went outside the umbrella to the floor. I could not help laughing at this incident while I was helping pick up beans with her.

My neighbor, Ms. C is very popular among young and old in town because she is warm and friendly. Every time I see her on the street, she cheers me up. I thank her very much because she is a very considerate woman. Ms. C is a really nice and wonderful person.

Sunday, June 30, 2024


According to the weather forecast, it will continue to be cloudy or rainy. Today, however, it was clear and a little bit humid.

In Japan, we have a custom that we change clothing and other items to summer style in June. We call this "Koromo-gae (seasonal change of clothing) ". However, I postponed it because we still had chilly days in June and simply because I was too lazy to do so.

The day before yesterday, I changed the guest room and entrance sliding doors into summer ones. Before doing so, I was hesitant but now I am satisfied with these changes. It looks much more spacious and cooler.

Many people predict that this summer will be very hot and I am personally concerned about the electricity bill going up from July. I would like to stay as cool and comfortable as possible.

Saturday, June 29, 2024




    I bought 1kg of Rakkyo (Chinese onions) for 600 Yen at the local morning market. Chinese onions are good for health such as improvement of blood circulation, fatigue recovery, bactericidal effect, prevention of high blood pressure and swelling, constipation prevention, immune system boost and is also referred as "medicine from the fields". I personally often eat them when I make curry at home as a side dish, so I make pickled Chinese onions with sweet vinegar every two years and eat them as regular food.

    Well, It took time to clean each Rakkyo which came with soil, but I could finish pickling them at night. I will put the container in a dark and cool place for a couple weeks, then move them to the refrigerator to preserve until they are ready to eat.

    When I was a child, my grandmother made pickled Rakkyo and ginger for the family. Now I am making them in the same way in my hometown. These are a part of traditional Japanese food culture. I am following only a few of them but I am a little bit proud of myself.

Thursday, June 27, 2024




    My right side bruise has been recovering day by day, but I am still not in perfect condition because of the problem with my left joint, and fatigue after a long one day trip to Yamanashi. Looking at the weekly weather forecast, I decided to visit a grave today which I haven't done since last fall.

    The location of the grave is on the hill of the back mountain. Most of the people use their car to go to the grave without any problem but I needed to go up the slope by bicycle and it is still hard even if I change the gear to low level. At the grave, I was lucky because the weeds were not as heavy as I expected. It was because we had a lot of rain in the past several days and it made the grass rot. Even though it took two hours to clean the area. I was relieved when I prayed for ancestors by offering flowers, lights and incense. Seiryu Mountain was behind me.

    While I was cleaning my family grave, I was surprised by my sweat but now I am feeling well because I could finish my work which had been on my mind since last year.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024






I went to Tokyo to watch a musical in which my old friend was performing as a member of the musical theatre group. I was in Tokyo ahead of the performance day and went to Meguro Museum where another friend's husband's art works were exhibited.

The museum was in a small but quiet wood in Tokyo and I enjoyed paintings of the residents of Meguro Ward including my friend's works. On the way to the station, I passed the poster bulletin board for the election of Governor of Tokyo Metropolis which is controversial because there are 56 candidates which is an unprecedented number.

Next day, I went to the theatre in the pouring rain. The title of the musical was "Let's shelter from the rain under the slide in the park" and it seemed to match the weather anyhow. The theatre group was established by my friend and her husband several years ago. My friend, Momo, was playing, dancing and singing with other younger members. She was really amazing.

After the show, five of us who came to support Momo, went to a nearby cafe together. Even though we are living in different situations, we were sharing the same days in the past at the theatrical company.

We enjoyed our conversation and it was a happy time for all of us.

I took a bullet train from Tokyo to Maibara on my way home. Few days ago, when I went to Yamanashi, I was captivated by Mt. Fuji. This time, I was fascinated by the full moon from the window of the train. It was so beautiful!

Sunday, June 23, 2024




On June 2nd, we had a Noh event at my cafe, and we also exhibited Noh masks made by Mr. Yukihiko Nakano who is honorary chief priest at Taga Taisha.

Mr. Nakano is 88 years old and after retiring from being a Shinto priest he started making Noh masks. He also has been busy as a branch director of Omotesenke school of tea ceremony in Shiga prefecture. Since he is a resident of Taga, he often stops by my cafe in the middle of his walk and gives a small talk to me as someone who doesn't know very much about Taga Taisha and old Japanese customs. Everybody who knows Mr. Nakano loves and respects him.

The exhibition of Noh masks continues till the end of June. Please come and appreciate them.

Friday, June 21, 2024






    Yesterday,  I went to Yamanashi prefecture (about 217 miles in half way from my home) for a day trip. Taking the first train at Taga, I went to Nagoya by Sinkansen (bullet train), changed to a special express to Shiojiri, and another special express to Kofu. The view from the train window around Kisofkushima was so beautiful with deep mountain green.

    Well, my purpose for the trip to Yamanashi was to watch the newest clown performance by RONE & Gigi at the city hall in Minami-Alps-city. I took the bus from Kohfu Station to Minami-Alps-City for a 35 minutes and 15 minutes walk to the hall. It was a beautiful location with the view of Mt. Fuji from the entrance of the hall. When I took the sheet, several nice stage settings came into sight on the open stage.
The title of the show was a silent comedy " The afternoon tea". Gigi wrote the script and deleted the show. In the story, two clowns inserted pantomime, magic, juggling, tapdance, singing, and splendid clownings which is the technique to look foolish using their body and facial movements. Everything was so funny and skilful. They had serious injuries last year and faced a crisis not to continue to be clowns but fortunately they recovered with their efforts and warm support from many people.. They put so much energy and passion into this new performance as professional clowns. Their amazing technique and funny sense was based on their long term training as a clown in Russia, Uclane, Britain and US.I enjoyed their performance and was moved by those two who overcame their difficulties. It was nice to hear the continuous laughter of a boy who was sitting just in front of me. 350 seats were full in the hall and they reacted nicely with laughter and applause for the clowns.

    On the return trip, I got a highway bus from Kohfu to Shizuoka. The bus went through the mountains. I wondered how many tunnels I passed to reach big city Shizuoka. If people from the Edo period (Shogunate era) were here and saw such mountain roads, they would have taken their breath. I am amazed by such advanced civil engineering technology. When I was on the bus, I saw several small villages in the mountains and living there. I felt some nostalgia for the people there.

    I returned home at around 10 p.m. It was a bit of a hard day, but I am pleased to have such a fulfilling day of the trip and clown stage.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Since I was assigned to the board of trustees of Taga Elementary School from this year for three years, I went to the school to meet members and to watch the school recital today.

The school recital was for all grades and they presented chorus and instrumental music performance. The first graders were still little and looked stiff while they were performing. The more it progressed to the upper grades, the more relaxed they looked and were taking the rhythm, which showed in their faces or bodies. However, there were a few kids who were still wearing face masks.

I remembered my school days when we presented a music performance in class. My homeroom teacher was good at music and we performed J.F. Wagner's "Under The Double Eagle" which was a little bit challenging for us. I enjoyed the recital in which children played new instruments as well as traditional instruments which have been used at the school for decades. Sometimes they sang or played with hand movements or moved like a marching band, and it seemed the teachers put so much effort in teaching this. The children were smiling when they had some movements.

One thing I would like to comment on their performance is about the expression. The children were all very active but I felt that their sound lacked musicality. They can be taught the dynamics of the music from the first grade. Then kids learn what "Expression" is. Each one has their own way of expressing their thoughts or feelings and "Word" is not the only way to express them. They can learn about it through their music.

After the recital, Ms. Takahashi, who is the headmaster, provided us with the school lunch which used many local vegetables. It was so good! We all thanked the school.

Friday, June 14, 2024




Last Sunday was an annual river cleaning day in town which was postponed a week due to rain. We clean weeds and algae in Kurumado-river from the starting point of the shrine down to the river passing under an arched bridge. A man from the neighbourhood put up a ladder in the river to the river edge, I started down the ladder followed by another man. Then suddenly the bottom of the ladder moved unsteadily and I lost the balance. Since the top of the ladder was being held by another man, I didn't fall down the river but I hit my right side strongly. It hurt very much, but I went down the river and continued the work anyhow. It was a scary and dangerous moment.

Two days later, the pain didn't go away and I was worried about it. So I went to the hospital in Hikone to see the doctor. Fortunately I didn't break my bones from the result of the X-ray photo and I got a chest sling and compress tapes by doctor's suggestion. He said that it might be several weeks until the pain goes away. My breathing is a little bit shallow now and it is hard to pick something from the floor, to roll over in the bed, and to laugh. I can easily imagine how painful it is for the people who really broke their bones.

Thursday, June 6, 2024





Noh Event at Taga Asahiya was over on June 2nd. Although we had a little rain in the morning and it stopped after a while, we were still worried about the weather because the weather forecast predicted the rain again. In the end, it cleared up in the afternoon. We thanked God very much.

Having more than 80 participants, the Noh Event was separated into two parts. The first one was an explanation about performing art "Noh" and the workshop. The theme in this event was The Heike Story. Two Noh actors showed the masks of main characters and costumes, providing very easy explanations. The highlight in the first part was the Noh chant. Noh actor led the chant followed by the audience. Hisa Uzawa's chant was powerful and beautiful. People were following seriously and it must have been very fun. Instrument players also gave us very nice talks about each instrument's characteristics and technique. We felt more familiar with Noh.

In the second part, we appreciated two Noh performances which were Yashima (winning general of a war) and Atsumori (losing general of a war). The actor played without a mask and costume. This style of performance is called Maibayashi. The trained movements of the Noh actor were so beautiful and powerful. We were overwhelmed by their performance.

I, as an organizer, am very happy to have had this Noh event, which was so well-attended, with those amazing actors and players. I also thank many staff who helped a lot for the event. Thank you to all of these wonderful people!