Monday, December 30, 2024




I have been preparing little by little these days for the new year. I hung three gorgeous special picture scrolls which came from my mother's parents' home, and placed a New Year’s symbolic seven pine branches which were decorated by my friend. At the entrance of the café I put a pine, plum and bamboo decoration which I made myself, and additionally I put a wooden plaque on which ”laughing gate" and "year of the snake" were written. I placed a new paper amulet from the shrine at the Sinto altar. Today, I put a sacred straw rope under the eaves along the street.

It was cold and clear this morning. The work of putting the sacred rope is neighborhood work and we put bamboo trees which were cut to the height of the roof, on both sides of the house. At first when I worked on this several years ago, putting straws and papers was so difficult and I needed my neighbour's help, but now I learned the technique and could do everything by myself. However my way of knotting the rope was not very good and I thought that I should master how to do it by next time.

It is almost the last day of the year. Many scenes that occurred this year are coming up in my head and in the process of preparing things for the new year, I get to feel more and more determined toward the coming year.

These traditional activities and customs for the new year are very unique compared to other countries and I think they are very Japanese and beautiful.

Friday, December 27, 2024




This was my third trip to Tokyo. I enjoyed the live show of Clown RONE & Gigi while holding wine glasses, which I could request as many as I wanted.

I laughed out loud because it was so funny. If I were in the old Japanese era, I couldn't do such behavior because traditional Japanese women should have done this more quietly and elegantly. They were never allowed to laugh out loud in any situation.

I wonder since when I have been laughing out freely when I feel something is funny. People don't laugh when their physical condition is not in a good condition or they have a mental problem such as depression. The world of laughter is far for them. I thank myself for laughing out without any problem.

One more thing I would like to say "thank you" to RONE & Gigi who always give us many laughs.

Saturday, December 21, 2024




It was my second time going to Tokyo in this month. Since I had time in the morning in Tokyo, I called my old friend to meet her in Shibuya. Shibuya station has been under a lot of construction these past several years and changed very much, so at first we did not have any idea where we will meet. Finally we chose the place of a bronze monument of Dog Hachi.

After getting off the train in the basement at Shibuya Station, I followed several signs, and got out to the ground level. I was surprised to find the station department store didn't exist any more but the dog monument was still there in the same spot. People used to be waiting for their appointed person around the monument, but nobody was there. As a matter of fact, it became a place for the tourists from outside of Japan to take commemorative pictures with Hachi Dog, so they were making a line on the side to wait for their photos and Japanese people who were waiting for somebody were standing in front of the information center which was also this side. I took this picture at the moment when people finished the photo so it appears in the photo that no one is around Hachi Dog. There is a scramble intersection near the monument and tourists also were taking pictures because it is curious for them, too.

After meeting with my friend, I went to Urawa to watch a musical performance by my other friend. Then I left Tokyo and headed home. When I got on the local train, the passengers were very few and finally the only people on the train was me. Why is the density of people so different between a big city and a rural area like my place? I saw them both in a day. It was funny and I laughed at the difference.

Thursday, December 19, 2024




Since it was the regular closing day of the cafe, I wanted to do the things which I scheduled beforehand. Then in the morning I headed to the local market by bicycle. When I was about to turn to the right at the corner on the way, a light van suddenly came in front of me. I turned the wheel to the right in the nick of time and the car stopped there. My bike didn't touch the car although my left hand pushed the body of the car. I didn't get hurt but it was a scary moment and I realized that a traffic accident must have happened.

Before noon, I went to the supermarket and other shops to buy groceries and year-end gifts in Hikone by bicycle again. I paid more attention to riding my bike because of the morning incident. When I was riding back home, I saw a car coming from a parking lot and stopped on the way which was for pedestrians and bicycles in order to catch the timing to go to the car road. A man who was walking ahead of me went around the back of the car to move on, so I decided to do the same thing riding my bike. There were rails between the parking lot and the walkway and they are for the sliding doors in order to close the parking lot at night. I tried to go over the rails but the front wheel of my bike didn't go and I lost my balance. I was all right but my bicycle fell down and my shopping bags were thrown out from the basket which was on the bike. Fortunately the things didn't come out from the bags because I closed the zippers of all my bags. I thought that I should have gotten off and walked with the bicycle instead of riding.

I was lucky because I didn't get hurt through these two incidents but I really thought that I should be more careful when riding my bicycle.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024




I spent a busy week making space for the talk event by a big drum master of Noh, Shonosuke Okura and preparing dinner for his guests at my cafe in addition to preparing and delivering lunch for a previous reservation. I also did story-telling both at local elementary school and junior high school in the morning. I could finish all these things anyhow without any problems and felt free finally. Then I went to Tokyo for my friend's Christmas Charity Concert.

My friend, Ms. Y, belongs to NIKIKAI which is a professional opera singers association. It was nice to hear her singing after a long time. Three female singers including Y and two male singers sang amazingly.
Some of the music were numbers from famous operas, and a couple of them were very comical music which I couldn't help laughing at. I was overwhelmed by their singing and enjoyed them very much. I was also impressed by the pianist who accompanied all their music by herself beautifully.

On the way back home, when I was waiting for the bullet train at Tokyo station, the full moon was shining quietly over the roof of the station platform. Looking at the moon, I was thankful for the day during which I had a pleasant time at the concert.

Thursday, December 5, 2024




November passed quickly. Three clowns, Rone, Gigi and Maggie, came to me and held two Clown Live Performances and Clown Talks at my cafe. They also had a couple of shows and events at several places in Shiga and Kyoto and my place served as a home base for them while they were working in the Kansai area. My house was full of joy and laughter. I was so pleased with them.

Ms. O, who came to the Clown Live, gave me Japanese staunton-vine. I put it in the alcove in the guest room which returned to a normal Japanese room from a temporary Clown Live stage. It is evergreen and the fruit is smaller than chocolate-vine. It looks so elegant. Ms.O let me know that it is presented to the imperial family. Ms. O, who lost her brother early this year, enjoyed the show thinking of him because they had been coming to every event which was held at my place. I received so much support from him as well as Ms.O. The flower language is long life and happiness.

Ms.O brought Japanese staunton-vine with a very nice vase. I thanked her thoughtfulness. A packed audience enjoyed the Clown Live and Talk saying they had never seen such a funny and skillful show. I am grateful to them. Lastly, I thanked RONE and Gigi who gave an amazing show and talk in response to the audience’s wanderful reactions. I am now in a relieved and rich state. I would like to keep watching this beautiful Japanese staunton-vine.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2024




I went to watch the Clown show "RONE and Gigi's Red Noses Magic" at Akane Hall in Higashi-ohmi city. It was a fantastic and joyful performance!

I have watched their Big Ears Show many times before but this time was the first time for me to go to their show on the theater stage with lighting and sound by professional people from Tokyo. It was much longer than the regular Big Ears Show. They started with prologue and magic by RONE, handbell played by two clowns who looked like lost children, pantomime by Gigi which looked like two people holding each other, followed by the regular Big Ears Show. It was really amazing! The hall was full of children's screams of delight and applause by adults.

I was thinking of Ms.O who invited clown RONE and Gigi to the area, saying it is important to show the authentic performer to the people and put her efforts to make it come true. I think her enthusiasm came to fruition and I was overwhelmed by those two clowns' high leveled technique and ability to entertain.

(写真:クラウン劇団OPEN SESAME 提供)

Wednesday, November 6, 2024





November has just started with a cloudy and a bit cold morning. Since it was called "Shimo-tsuki (Frost Month)" by people in the past, it seems they felt beauty in nature in white such as frost and snow.

When I was preparing my cafe, I saw someone standing outside the cafe. It was Mr. A from Hikone. I opened the entrance sliding door and let him in. He seemed like he didn't have much time and gave something wrapped in the newspaper to me saying it was lotus root from Fukushima. He said that he visited his old brother in Fukushima and the family member took some lotus roots from a bog just the morning of his leaving day. It was a beautiful fresh lotus root which was about 50 centimeters (1.64 feet) and 8 centimeters in diameter. I heard that taking lotus root is very hard, so I appreciated this precious gift. We find two kinds of lotus root at the shop, one is with mud and another one is washed, but according to Mr. A, it's white and clean when it appears in the air. He apologized for being late to bring it to me after it had turned a darker color. It was the first time for me to receive such a fresh lotus root. I thanked him very much.

I like lotus root very much and use it often in my cooking. It is also a very healthy ingredient. There are several recipes in my head.

My November has started with receiving a fresh lotus root!

Saturday, November 2, 2024




I am taking a Yoga lesson three times a week at the town community center. This Thursday, the lesson was held outside and it was on the grounds of Konomiya Shrine.

Each person put a yoga mat on one's picnic sheet, and took the lesson by Ms. Kita's instruction. It was a very different feeling because of the atmosphere. Usually we have a lesson inside the building but this time we were outside and had the very fresh autumn air. I was so free both mentally and physically. Since the highway was near the field, the noise disturbed us, but it was not a big problem. We could concentrate on hearing the instructor's voice and follow the movement. We even heard birds singing and monkeys' voices far away. The temperature was perfect, it was neither hot or cold and I felt so good. We were surrounded by the green of the trees and some autumn foliage which had just begun. It was really gorgeous and I appreciated the valuable time to be able to relax.

After yoga, we had a late lunch and after the lunch, I saw most of the participants took out candy packs or some small sweets from their bag and circulated them to us. I was surprised at this sight. They brought something for others! I didn't have anything for others. What I did was that I ate my own sweet which I bought at the convenience store and ate other candies and sweets as well. I was embarrassed but I enjoyed the treats anyhow.

Friday, October 25, 2024

ロネとジージのコメディライブIN多賀「ムーンライト セレナーデ」とクラウン講座のチケット状況:

11/16(土)14:00~15:30 クラウンライブ 残席あり
11/17(日)12:30~14:00 クラウンライブ 満席
11/17(日)16:00~18:00 クラウン講座  残席あり



Comedy live by Clown RONE & Gigi in Taga. Here are seat availability.

11/16(土)14:00~15:30 Clown live show      Few available seats
11/17(日)12:30~14:00 Clown live show      Full
11/17(日)16:00~18:00 Clown's Talk            Few available seats

There are many laughter styles in Japan such as Manzai (a funny conversation by two), Rakugo (traditional comic storytelling), Shinkigeki (new comic plays), and Kyogen (traditional short comedy play). However, RONE & Gigi's comedy style is different. They use the method of Western laughter style which was also used by Charlie Chaplin, who was a great English comedian. RONE & Gigi add dances and songs and create their own world of laughter. We are overwhelmed by their ability and comedy sense. We hope you will enjoy the sights and sounds of their show first-hand. 

Please reserve the seat at Taga Asahiya (749-48-0186 ) or by email.

Monday, October 21, 2024




When I visited local morning market, I found interesting things which was written "Cotton Flowers" on the label. I saw them for the first time. My image of cotton flowers is the scene in which black slaves were picking cotton in the field in a southern plantation in the US but I have never imagined that I would see it in my town.

People call it "Cotton Flower", but it actually is not a flower of cotton. It is more akin to a dandelion. Cotton balls begin to fill and open up where the flowers once were. People say it looks as if white flowers are blooming on the cotton tree.

It's fluffy like the tail of a stuffed rabbit or maybe something else I can imagine. It's so pure and innocent like a baby. Returning to reality, I feel some complicated depressing problems around me.

Monday, October 14, 2024





It was a refreshing autumn day. After 8 am, I went to the local junior highschool which stands on a hill in order to give storytelling for the students. The title of the book was ”I Talk Like a River" by Jordan Scott/ Smith Sydney and it is a story about a boy who is a stutterer and it was the written author's actual experience.

In the classroom, I wrote the word "stuttering" in Chinese letters, but since nobody knew the word, I wrote how to read it and the meaning like "it is a timing problem when people start to speak" and added the common name. All the pictures are very impressive and the translation into Japanese is also very good.

The boy is bullied at his school because of stuttering. One day his father took him to the river and pointed at the river and said "Look at the river flow. your way of speaking is just like that.". The river flows toward a bigger and wider place without feeling pressured and continuing. It, however, bubbles, swirls, undulates and breaks in the middle of flow. Beyond the rapid stream, it flows relaxingly and becomes a smooth shining river. The boy thought it was his way of talking and the river was also stuttering. He accepts his difficulty and has confidence.

The author wrote in his afterword that he found the image or the way of expression other than the word which he felt frightening. He also wrote that because his father compared his difficulty to the movement of nature, it really made me feel lighter and I was able to enjoy the feeling that my mouth moves on its own.

There must be some young students who are not stutterers but have a complex about a way of talking and therefore avoid talking. I hope this book encourages them.