Friday, October 25, 2024

ロネとジージのコメディライブIN多賀「ムーンライト セレナーデ」とクラウン講座のチケット状況:

11/16(土)14:00~15:30 クラウンライブ 残席あり
11/17(日)12:30~14:00 クラウンライブ 満席
11/17(日)16:00~18:00 クラウン講座  残席あり



Comedy live by Clown RONE & Gigi in Taga. Here are seat availability.

11/16(土)14:00~15:30 Clown live show      Few available seats
11/17(日)12:30~14:00 Clown live show      Full
11/17(日)16:00~18:00 Clown's Talk            Few available seats

There are many laughter styles in Japan such as Manzai (a funny conversation by two), Rakugo (traditional comic storytelling), Shinkigeki (new comic plays), and Kyogen (traditional short comedy play). However, RONE & Gigi's comedy style is different. They use the method of Western laughter style which was also used by Charlie Chaplin, who was a great English comedian. RONE & Gigi add dances and songs and create their own world of laughter. We are overwhelmed by their ability and comedy sense. We hope you will enjoy the sights and sounds of their show first-hand. 

Please reserve the seat at Taga Asahiya (749-48-0186 ) or by email.