Saturday, December 30, 2023



    既にお知らせしたようにロネジジの二人はこの秋相次いで骨折するという前代未聞の出来事に遭遇し今後の活動が見えない深刻な状況に陥り、広く緊急支援を求めるに至りました。事故に遭う前、つまり9月のライブが全て満席という絶好調で12月の再演は多くの方の要望に応える形でした。....が、その後の予期せぬ事故。クラウンが大好き! ステージに立ちたい! 皆さんの応援に応えたい! という二人は、しかしながら無理をして回復を遅らせてはいけないと2日間4公演に的を絞って稽古に励んだと思います。



    RONE & Gigi's clown live was held on Dec. 27th and 28th in Tokyo. Since I had another stage which I wanted to support, organized by another friend in Saitama, I went to two theaters on the 27th.

    As I explained before, Rone & Gigi had serious accidents individually this fall and they couldn't predict their schedule, so they needed to start crowdfunding for support. Last September, before their accidents, all their stages were full of seats because Rone & Gigi were introduced in the popular newspaper and it got many people's attention and many people came to their show. They were in great condition at that time and decided to have extra performances in December. Then Rone had a serious accident in India, and Gigi had a fracture next. Since they both love to be clowns, they wanted to perform their show and to respond to the support for them. They concentrated on rehearsing for the show in December.

    It was the first time for me to watch the full version of the show in Tokyo, I enjoyed it 100%. However, the two clowns haven't recovered from their fractures completely yet, and it must have hurt. Rone and Gigi performed comical clowning one after another, sang songs and dances, getting laughter from the audience. I admired that they were really entertainers.

    There was a small time for them to talk after the show. Then they said " we saw heaven and hell this fall". I wish for them warm support and to be able to say that they overcame crises as they enter into the new year.

Thursday, December 28, 2023




    When I visited Taga Taisha (shrine) yesterday、 I could see the preparations for welcoming the new year here and there. Then, I saw an interesting custom of the shrine. It was annual work of replacing Shimenawa (sacred rope of the Shinto) by the staff of the shrine. Although the sun shined sometimes, the wind was cold and it seemed the work was not easy. Two men carried the big Shimenawa which was tied to bamboo and put it on the beam of the entrance. Then they put four big Gohei (strips of white paper) into the Shimenawa. Up until putting the Gohei, it took so much time and I couldn't keep watching and I went home because of the cold weather. When I went to the shrine later, the new Shmenawa was beautifully attached.

    By the way, why is Shimenawa put there ? It is a barrier between God's realm and the present world which contains various impure things. Without knowing this, I had been standing in the area and praying to God up until then. I am grateful to see this precious annual custom of the shrine.

Sunday, December 24, 2023






    There is a small hall dedicated to Jizo Bosatsu beside a small river along the shrine in our neighborhood. We have been taking turns taking care of Jizo and the small hall, but due to the reality that people are getting old year by year and everyone has their own important personal matters, the role is not strict these days. 

    Well, the role turned to me last week and it was in my mind everyday. I could finally go to the o-Jiso-sama on the last day before my cafe opened.

    Entering the hall and moving the offering box which was placed inside the hall because of cleaning underneath, I saw a bunch of shield bugs stuck on the board. I unintentionally said "Wow, that's too much!". Since most of them were just quietly staying there, I went home to take a masking tape (which is very useful to catch them!) in a hurry. When I came back to the hall, some of them had moved nearby but most of them were waiting for me to catch them. To tell the truth, I have never seen such a bunch of shield bugs and caught them while almost crying doing so, but nobody was there but me. Although I was in front of Jizo Buddha, I made myself calm down and executed each one by one. Are you asking how many I did? Oh, quite a lot.

    Well, I cleaned the floor and offered hot cooked rice in a bowl, a lighted candle and incense and prayed for peace. The sun came out occasionally but it was a cold morning with a chilly wind.

Sunday, December 17, 2023







    体調悪くして遅れて彦根入りしたマギーと合流後、ホールに9時到着。機材搬入と設置。その後ロネの指示による念入りな音響チェック。11時から12時10分まで場当たりのリハ。この時、ジージは杖をついてのステージ。ロネの右肩をジージは触らないと約束。13時半までにメイク、衣装完了。14時マギーの元気なMCで開演。客席は超満員。ワクワクする音楽で幕が上がるとそこには大きな耳と赤い鼻のロネとジージ。数秒もしないうちに子供達の歓声と観客の笑い声が会場に響く。あれ?太っちょジージが足を引きずらないで歩いてる!ロネが右肩を動かし、手を上げてる!負担のかかるフェンスのエスカレーターの動きもしてる!軽妙なボールのジャグリング、クラブやカップも二人でやってる!ロネのマジックにみんな感心してる...... 何度見ても二人の絶妙なタイミングと技に笑ってしまう。しかし舞台の二人はそれぞれ骨折しているのが現実です。お客は大喜びで笑いと拍手を送っている。この両方を見ている私は胸が熱くなり言葉にならない思いでした。


    The Big Ears Show by Clown RONE & Gigi was held at Mizuho Cultural Center in Hikone and was successfully over with fully occupied people.

    As a matter of fact, there was a big accident in the International Clown Festival in India in late September. RONE fell down from the 6.6 foot stage during their show. She had severe damage in her body such as bruises all over the body, multiple rib fractures, both knee sprains. She came back to Japan with a painful appearance but Rone & Gigi had several appointments for their shows in Kyoto and Shiga in 40 days. Only a few related people knew about the accident and worried about her very much, but Rone & Gigi finished their four amazing stage performances.

    Few days later when they were rehearsing in Tokyo for the next stage performance,  this time Gigi broke her left leg and she couldn't move without a wheelchair or cane. We knew how serious this situation was for them.

    They were expected to perform their show on Nov.23rd at Higashi Ohmi in Shiga, but they didn't want to perform with a lower level of quality than usual. After deep thinking, Rone & Gigi decided not to be on the stage. However, they also had a performance scheduled in Hikone in Dec. and they didn't cancel it. Rone and Gigi came to Shiga as scheduled. Rone's three rib bones hadn't joined yet and her two knee sprains hadn't healed yet, Gigi appeared with a cane on her left foot and holding stick. They laughed at me saying "we are fracture clowns' ', but I was very much impressed by their professionalism.

    As I attended with them on their performing day at Hikone, I will write about what they did on that day.

    Picking up assistant Maggie at the hotel because she came late to Hikone and stayed there because she was not feeling well, we arrived at the event hall at 9 am. After installation of the sound equipment and sound check by Rone and Maggie, They did the spot rehearsal on the stage for about an hour. At this time, Gigi used a stick when she walked on the stage and she agreed with Rone that she wouldn't touch Rone's right shoulder area. By 1:30 Rone & Gigi finished clown makeup and were wearing costumes. At 2pm, the Big Ears Show started with Maggie's cheerful MC and joyful music. The hall was completely full. Rone & Gigi appeared on the stage and within seconds kids sent cheers and people laughed. I was very surprised to see the two clowns on the stage because Gigi walked normally and Rone lifted her right shoulder and raised her hands! I know there are several scenes which required tough movement for the injured clowns but they were getting a big laugh and applause showing their clowning, juggling with several tools, and Rone's funny magic. Thinking of their real body condition, I was watching the big reaction from the audience. My heart was filled with emotion.

    Well, as I explained, "Fracture Rone & Gigi " love being clowns very much and are doing their best now. However, they are actually facing a financial crisis due to their injury. I would like to say as a friend of R & G, I would be happy if you could support them. Thank you so much.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023





    I read "Badger's Parting Gifts" by Susan Varlel for the third graders at the morning storytelling class. Badger, who is very old but not afraid of death because he believes that even if his body disappears, his soul will remain, was loved by everyone. So, when he died, it went without saying that everybody was in deep grief. After a while spring came, and all the animals got together and talked to each other about the things which they learned from the badger. Then they knew that everything from the badger turned to their current power.

    I remember that some animal penetrated my attic a couple of years ago, and in order to catch it we set a cage in my backyard in which we put some food. Then badger was caught but actually it was not the animal which we tried to catch. Poor badger was taken away by the man who came from the town hall. I talked about it to Mr.O who loves insects and animals and has much knowledge about them. He brought a small figure of badger which he colored himself, and gifted it to me.

    This is the third time for me to encounter "badger". I heard from the teacher and children that the picture book ,"Badger's Parting Gifts" is partially used as teaching material and they let me know that they read the first part of the book on the assignment sheet. I wonder how the gentle message of Susan Verley that "death" is not something you should be afraid of or sad, reached the third graders. Anyhow, I am glad that I could read the whole story and show the pictures.

Friday, December 1, 2023



    最近驚いたのは「ブラックフライデー」と言って大安売りを宣伝していたことです。これはメイフラワー号でアメリカに渡った清教徒たちが最初の収穫を神に感謝し11月の第4木曜日を感謝祭として祝う年中行事があり、全米が大型連休でワクワクするのですが、感謝祭の翌日の金曜日に1年で一番大きなセールがあり、これを「Black Friday(ブラック・フライデー)」と呼び、早朝から大勢の人が買い物に殺到します。語源は諸説あるようですが、こんな縁もゆかりもない言葉が日本で使われ出したのです。




    We have Japanese classic names of twelve months as well as modern names which are commonly used. Today I tried to recall the classic name of November but it didn't come to my head because I forgot it. It's Shimo-tsuki (lit. the month which frost falls). Many Japanese words have disappeared from our daily life even though they are not classic and new Katakana words which are used for foreign words have increased instead.

    This fall, I often saw "Bulakku Furaidei" (Black Friday) in commercial advertisement for big sale. It comes from Black Friday in the US which is after Thanksgiving. I am disappointed that Japanese people use this kind of word which has no relation to Japanese people and culture. Most Japanese people don't know what it is.

    In Japan we also have a big sale near the end of the year. When I was small, my mother used to go to Hikone to buy necessary things for the New Year and she took me and my brothers with her.  It was a pleasant experience which I looked forward to every year when I was young. The name of the sale was "Ebisu-koo".

    I know I am in the minority, but I definitely prefer to use "Oo yasuuri (big sale)" rather than "Sēru" or "Bulakku Furaidei" (Black Friday), because it gives a sense of human warmth and is cool.

    I took a walk to Taga Taisha in the afternoon because the cafe was closed. The maple trees turned red and they were so beautiful. Since it is the end of November, I thought it might be the last look this year.

Thursday, November 23, 2023



「霧の中」 高橋健二訳
Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern!
Einsam ist jeder Busch und Stein,
Kein Baum sieht den andern,
Jeder ist allein. 

みんなひとりぽっちだ。    ヘルマン・ヘッセ(1877-1962)


    When I woke up and just about to start my morning preparation for the cafe, I felt something different in the air and looked outside, then I saw deep fog there. Going out with my camera in a hurry, the fog was hanging heavy and I felt wet air touching my cheek. If you are in the mountains, fog can be seen commonly, but it is very rare to see deep fog in towns like my area. While I was pushing the camera button, the heavy fog was changing to a light one. I regret that I should have woken up much earlier to stay in a deep fog, but still I liked to be there in a fog which was so beautiful and quiet.

    I remember the poem about fog by Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), and checked the phrase which I like on the net.

In the Fog

Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern!
Einsam ist jeder Busch und Stein,
Kein Baum sieht den andern,
Jeder ist allein.

Strange to walk in the fog!
Every bush and stone is lonely,
no tree can see the other,
Each one is alone.

    I empathize with the idea that "everyone is alone," but I believe the feeling of compassion and love for others can help to overcome the sense of loneliness.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023




    My high School classmate who was in Hokkaido Univ. doing research as well as teaching, then moved to Tohoku Univ., and worked at the Cabinet Office as well after retirement, is now settled in Shiga. He said he wanted to bring his friend and his family from Brazil to my cafe and have lunch. The other day, he came to visit me for lunch beforehand and gave various kinds of potatoes from Hokkaido which he received from his relatives. There were six kinds of potatoes in six bags and each bag had names of the potatoes with recommended ways of cooking such as good for salad,stew, etc on the labels.

     I am expecting to have eleven kids with four chaperones over to eat box dinner in my cafe over the weekend.  Now I am planning to use these potatoes for French fries which many kids love for their dinner.  Well, I am in a bit of a predicament because I don't know which potato is good for French fries ....

Friday, November 17, 2023







1講座3500円  2講座とも受講の場合は6500円

    Two Clown performances, Big Ears Show and the comedy music live "Life is Carnival" and Clown Talk were successfully over last weekend. It was because of RONE and Gigi's great performance and big applause and laugh by audience who were from not only nearby towns but also very distant places such as Yokohama, Kita Kyuushuu, as well as efforts of the staff who helped to set up stage and on performance day.

    It was amazing that the typical Japanese tatami room was transformed to a clown's performance stage. The show was funny and a scene that made us cry was inserted, then the climax was again lively. Now, the stage has disappeared and it's back to the Japanese tatami room again. I wonder if that amazing clown show really happened because it was such a wonderful world away from reality? Wasn't it a dream?

    I would like to share several photos of the show taken by Ms. S. Although there were no photos, the Clown Talk which was held on 11th, was so rich and valuable. RONE & Gigi who are 33years professional clowns trained in Europe and US explained what clown is, European humorous sense, difference between pro. clown and amature clown, etc.

    I would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in the event such as performers, audience and staff who helped me a lot.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023






13:00−15:00ジャグリング (西洋風のお手玉)体験


    We will announce that RONE & Gigi's Comedy live is full.

    The Big Ears Show and Clown Talk are still available.    

    You will be surprised at the extra fun things in the Big Ears Show. You also will listen to a very valuable talk from the two clowns who are in their thirty three years career as a professional clown duo. They will talk about clowns which were not in Japanese culture and many people still don't know very much about it. The talk will be clear, easy and funny so everybody understands easily. It is behind-the-scenes talk by the clowns with no makeup. They are RONE & Gigi, who make our brain flexible and enliven us easily. Please do not miss this chance! You will also be served free Shiratama for the participants.

Nov. 26 is Clown Workshop

13:00-15:00 Juggling

15:30-17:00 Comedy Class

Please call Taga Asahiya (0749-48-0186).

Wednesday, November 1, 2023






   ・クラウンの型 (実演あり)



Here are more details about the Talk by Rone & Gigi.

Rone & Gigi who are the top artists in the clown world will respond to our question about what clown is and show us what is like. I think the most important thing to us who are living with much stress and anxiety, is to have a flexible thinking and a sense of humor.

Following are programs of the Clown Talk.

First half: 

* What is the meaning of Clownish?
* Talk about a sense of humor which is originally from Western countries.
* Clown culture which is now spreading in Asia.
* the way of living which you will learn from Clown.

 <coffee break>

Second half 

* The things you need to become a professional clown. Daily training, etc.
* The difference between Professional clown and amateur clown. Recognition about the safety
* The importance of creating one's own character. Clown makeup shows it.
* The basic forms of clown. (demonstrate some forms.)
* What is a clowning ? Western actors and actresses know what a clown is and sometimes show it in
their TV or movie. You will be introduced to that scene.
* Technique of the way to make people laugh or relax.

What exciting content in the talk! This kind of talk will be held only at Taga Asahiya. In the break time, you will be served free Asahiya Shiratama Zenzai (Azuki bean sweet soup). Get into a more relaxed mindset by the clown talk and warm yourself with the Siratama Zenzai!

Sunday, October 29, 2023


    11日(土)17時〜のクラウン講座のおやつタイムには多賀あさひやの白玉ぜんざいを無料でお出ししま〜す。 お申し込みはお急ぎください!(0749−48−0186)

    Clown Talk will be held on Saturday, November 11th at 5 p.m. and we will serve FREE Shiratama Zenzai (sweet Azuki bean soup) to the participants. Please hurry to reserve your seat! (0749-48-0186)


Saturday, October 28, 2023


    11月11日(土)13時〜 多賀あさひやでのビッグイヤーズショー! どこよりも観客に一番近いところでロネとジージがクラウンの面白い技を見せてくれるよ。ワクワクします。

    The Big Ears Show at Taga Asahiya is on Saturday, November 11th! You will see the show right in front of you and Rone & Gigi will show their many funny clownings to you. Can't wait because it's too exciting!


    ロネとジージのクラウンライブ「ライフ・イズ・カーニバル」の中で観客も座ったままで参加できるダンスです。え〜っ?無理!ムズカシイ.....分からへ〜ん! 恥ずかしい〜!!.......な〜んて思ってませんか? 大丈夫ジージとおんなじようにできなくても心配いりません。自分の動きでいいんです。ちょっと体を音楽に合わせて動かしてみる。案外見てるだけ、よりず〜っと楽しいですよ!!

    This is a dance in the Clown Live Show by Rone & Gigi which you can do from your seat. You might think "Oh no! It is too difficult for me. I don't know how to dance. I haven't done such a thing before and am embarrassed about it." Don't worry! It's ok. Just do your own movement. Try to sway along with the music. It's more fun than just watching.

Thursday, October 26, 2023







    Two Clown Shows by Rone & Gigi and their Talk Show will be coming soon.

    The Big Ear's Show will be a special version for the guests at Taga Asahiya with opportunities such as taking photos with R & G after the show, talking with R & G. Also, you will see R & G in the show just in front of you!

    The talk show will be very special because you might not have this occasion very often in other places. Rone and Gigi, who have over a thirty year-long career as a professional clown duo, will talk about "what clown is " which probably many people are wondering about. Knowing the difference between Western laughter and Japanese laughter, you will grasp the idea of Western thinking and it may release you from the pressure or stress in daily life. You will realize that Clown is philosophical and necessary for our life. It will be about two hours and have coffee time in between. We will serve free "Shiratama Zenzai" to the participants. Hope you will enjoy this Japanese sweet as well as the talk.

    As for Clown Live on 12th, it will be a new style which Rone & Gigi created. They will show us their skillful technique of clowning and laughter. There is no doubt that you will fall down laughing at their show.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023






 皆様のお申し込みをお待ちしています。(0749-48-0186 多賀あさひや)

    It turned to autumn before I knew it. We see autumn fruits such as chestnut, persimmon and tangerine orange.

    Now, November is an exciting month of clown Rone & Gigi's performances and talk at Taga Asahiya. This year became very busy for Rone & Gigi, because they had regular live performances at Tokyo and organized Clown Camp at Kiso in Nagano. In addition, they had more performances at the theatre of bookhouse in Tokyo, and were invited to the International Clown Festival in India to have clown performances with other award winning clowns from other countries. Rone and Gigi were also introduced widely as a "Front Runner" on the national popular newspaper. This newspaper article and photos got many people's attention and with this impact, the seats of R&G's live show were all sold out instantly! Therefore, I think this year was a break year for Rone & Gigi.

    Rone & Gigi had been walking a long and hard clown road. In Japan, we have traditional laughter such as Rakugo, Manzai and Kyogen, and Clown is a Western laughter culture. Although Clown is not very popular in Japan yet, Rone & Gigi got first or second place in the international Clown Contest in the past and I am very proud of them.

    Rone & Gigi will be coming to Taga again and give clown performances and a talk. I am looking forward to hearing about the experience in the Clown Festival in India at their clown talk. The Clown Show at my Japanese house will be very different from the stage in the big hall or live house in terms of the light effect and small number of staff, but you will watch their skilled clowning, songs and dances just in front of you.

    Please make a reservation for their performance!


Sunday, October 15, 2023




    Ten days of Sunao Yokota's Sumi-ink painting exhibition is over. We usually simply imagine that Sumi-ink equals black, but it is not true. We know Sumi-ink has a wide range of colors and expresses the state of one's mind. I was overwhelmed by Yokota's power of expression through her paintings and calligraphy. I am thankful for many guests who came to the exhibition and appreciated her works.

    Well, today I received a wonderful fall gift from one of the guests. It was a beautiful box of handmaid Japanese Malone Glace. There were five giant chestnuts in the box. When I ate one of them, the taste and texture were superb! I was so happy to appreciate this wonderful fall sweet.

Monday, October 9, 2023




    Sunao Yokota's Sumi-ink painting exhibition started on Oct. 6th. It has been two years since the last exhibition of hers at Taga Asahiya. This exhibition features some works which had appeared at the gallery in Kyoto and other places before but they appeared only one time and not exhibited since then, so I wanted to appreciate them one more time. So some of them are exhibited now in addition to the new works.    

    Yokota is semantic about "word" and her attachment to it is much stronger than common people like me. She said in her calligraphy book that she wishes to express language, which is invisible, into something visible in her own way. Yokota, however, wanted to express more beyond the "word " and she created more abstract works by sumi-ink later.    

    Yokota's calligraphy works are based on poems or novels of Chuya Nakahara, Osamu Dazai, Kenji Miyazawa, Takeo Arishima, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche that she picked. Some works are barely readable or unreadable because they are too abstract, and others are expressed by sumi-ink paintings. You might wonder how you can appreciate her works. I hope you will come to find some work of hers which you relate to, are interested in, or are moved by.

    I would be grateful if my old Japanese house is suitable for Yokota's paintings and helps express her long-standing, secure belief.