Friday, December 1, 2023



    最近驚いたのは「ブラックフライデー」と言って大安売りを宣伝していたことです。これはメイフラワー号でアメリカに渡った清教徒たちが最初の収穫を神に感謝し11月の第4木曜日を感謝祭として祝う年中行事があり、全米が大型連休でワクワクするのですが、感謝祭の翌日の金曜日に1年で一番大きなセールがあり、これを「Black Friday(ブラック・フライデー)」と呼び、早朝から大勢の人が買い物に殺到します。語源は諸説あるようですが、こんな縁もゆかりもない言葉が日本で使われ出したのです。




    We have Japanese classic names of twelve months as well as modern names which are commonly used. Today I tried to recall the classic name of November but it didn't come to my head because I forgot it. It's Shimo-tsuki (lit. the month which frost falls). Many Japanese words have disappeared from our daily life even though they are not classic and new Katakana words which are used for foreign words have increased instead.

    This fall, I often saw "Bulakku Furaidei" (Black Friday) in commercial advertisement for big sale. It comes from Black Friday in the US which is after Thanksgiving. I am disappointed that Japanese people use this kind of word which has no relation to Japanese people and culture. Most Japanese people don't know what it is.

    In Japan we also have a big sale near the end of the year. When I was small, my mother used to go to Hikone to buy necessary things for the New Year and she took me and my brothers with her.  It was a pleasant experience which I looked forward to every year when I was young. The name of the sale was "Ebisu-koo".

    I know I am in the minority, but I definitely prefer to use "Oo yasuuri (big sale)" rather than "Sēru" or "Bulakku Furaidei" (Black Friday), because it gives a sense of human warmth and is cool.

    I took a walk to Taga Taisha in the afternoon because the cafe was closed. The maple trees turned red and they were so beautiful. Since it is the end of November, I thought it might be the last look this year.