Thursday, November 25, 2021


    えっ、こんなに受ける?!と思うぐらい今朝の読み聞かせは大盛り上がりでした。一年い組、久々に入る小学低学年の教室。富山房、はせみつこ編「しゃべる詞あそぶ詩きこえる詩」と「みえる詩あそぶ詩きこえる詩」から数編をこのところ中学生にも読んでいます。子供たちには「おかしかったら笑ってね」と言って藤富保男の「はやく」から始めると1、2行目からあちこちで笑い声が、次の中江俊夫の「たべたくないな」では読んでいるのが聞こえないのではないかと思うぐらい皆んながゲラゲラ笑っています。尊敬する大好きな故波瀬満子さんにはとても及ばないけど、子供達は確かに詩を聴いて受け取って反応してくれていました。本のあとがきの最後に波瀬さんが書いています。「たくさんの人と人とをつないでくれる ことばたち ありがとう」。子供達の元気な声に励まされた朝の始まりでした。

    It was an exciting and memorable time reading aloud in the morning yesterday. I was in the first grade classroom where I visited after a long time, and read several short poems from two books which Mitsuko Hase chose. I am also reading those poems for the Junior High School students, too. Just before starting, I said to the kids not to hesitate to laugh if you feel it is funny. When I started the poem "Hurry up!" by Yasuo Fujitomi and within only one or two lines, I could hear laughing voices from a couple of the kids. In the next poem "I don't want to eat!" by Toshio Nakae, the classroom was filled with giggling even though I wondered if my voice didn't reach them. They seemed to enjoy the poem very much. Although my reading was not perfect, children listened to my readings and felt something, then reacted in their own way. Mitsuko Hase wrote an afterword and concluded "Thanks to WORDS which connect many people." I was very much encouraged by the cheerful voices from the children at the beginning of the day.

Monday, November 22, 2021



    It began to rain in earnest in the afternoon and I started to give up going to the grocery store by bicycle because of the weather. I received a delivery packet. Big apples were in and the sender was Mr. S.Y from Iwate. What a surprise! I gave one to Ms. Sunao Yokota, who is an artist of Sumi-ink painting, who was putting her works away because her exhibition is just over. I also gave another one to Mr. H, who came to appreciate Yokota's paintings just before she put her works in the box. After they left, I enjoyed one of them. I cut it in slices as Clown Gigi recommended to me. Looking at the surface of the slices, I was surprised by the rich honey in the apple. I was very happy with the crispy and sweet apple! I give applause to the apple farmers for producing such a high quality apple. There were several kinds of apples in the box. They all came all the way from Iwate to me and the sweet smell of them fills the room in my house. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021



    Bokuga (Sumi-ink painting) by Sunao Yokota is now being exhibited at Taga Asahiya. Putting Sumi-ink on the Japanese paper and putting it in layers is her original technique and creates a strange but beautiful Sumi-ink world. All her works exist deeply and quietly in an old Japanese house, but on the other hand they overwhelm the viewer. Hope you could come to appreciate her paintings. The exhibition continues until November 21st (Sunday).

Saturday, November 13, 2021



    Ms.N.S, who played with me when I was a small child and revived the relationship after more than half a century, gave autumn harvest to me. Since I already ate some of them, there were originally more than the photo. Persimmons, tangerines and chinese cabbage are all from Ms.S's field. I received many sweet potatoes about a month ago. She makes beautiful hand-made items such as bags, dolls, and she also visits temples and shrines often. She always gets in touch with me with a warm heart. I feel rich looking at these autumn gifts which are of shining and beautiful colors.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021



    Soon after Clown Talk and performances were finished, Bokuga exhibition (Sumi-ink paintings) by Sunao Yokota started at Taga Asahiya. Since 7th was the first Sunday of November, the Morning Market and Izanami Market were held under the clear sky. We served Izanami Lunch for the guests as expected, however, I realized later that three different kinds of potato tubers were on the menu and there was too much starch added to squash and rice. I should have chosen other vegetables.The menu was the following; Simmered squid and taro, Chinese-style fried dish of salmon and potatoes, Stewed diced pork, Tomate compote, Namul of Japanese mustard spinach, Spicy honey butter with sweet potatoes and squash, Cooked rice mixed with daikon and seaweed, and Miso soup. I used homemade miso which was prepared by myself in February. It is a beautiful color and the taste is excellent which made me very happy. 

Friday, November 5, 2021



イザナミランチ(+お汁)+コーヒー 1600円
イザナミランチ(+お汁)+コーヒー+もち粉ケーキ 1700円
お持ち帰り(汁なし) 1000円
白玉クリームあんみつ 750円


    On the first Sunday of November, the 7th, we will serve Izanami Lunch.

Izanami Lunch + (soup) 1373 yen
Izanami Lunch + (soup) + coffee 1600 yen
Izanami Lunch + (soup) + coffee + Mochiko cake 1700 yen
Take out Izanami lunch box 1000 yen
Shiratama Cream Anmitsu (sweet dumplings, sweet red bean paste, agar jelly, ice cream and fruits) 750 yen

    Please reserve either by email or phone (0749-48-0186). We welcome you with a new menu.

Thursday, November 4, 2021


横田 順 墨画展
11月5日(金)〜21日(日) 11:00〜17:00 月・木 (定休日)

    Exhibition of Bokuga (Sumi-ink painting) by Sunao Yokota will start tomorrow, Nov. 5th. It is the second time following last year. Ms. Yokota will present many new works which are deeper and even more energetic. Hope you will appreciate Yokota's Bokuga works on a quiet autumn day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021



    Clown lecture by Rone Takano (Clown Rone) and two Clown performances have successfully finished. I didn't realize how important the way of thinking of clowns is in our daily life. I am not able to say it in short but I thank Rone Takano (Clown Rone) who talked about it logically and easily for us including various examples and movie clips. I am also very impressed by Clown Gigi who introduced one of the ways of communicating to other people. The next day, two Clown performances were held. The audience, consisting of small children to seniors, enjoyed the show. I could hear clapping and laughter from them all the time. They looked very relaxed and felt free despite the locked up feeling caused by coronavirus. I am grateful to be able to hold these fun events at my cafe.