Wednesday, June 28, 2017
6月28日(水曜日)2017 はカフェはお休みします。
This Wednesday, June 28th the cafe will be closed.
6/27 (Tuesday) Open
6/28 (Wednesday) Closed
6/29 (Thursday) Closed
6/30 (Friday) Open
7/1 (Saturday) Open
7/2 (Sunday) Open
7/3 (Monday) Closed
Sunday, June 25, 2017
6月25日(日曜日) 2017
カフェを開業して半年が経ちました。以来、様々な花や植木に囲まれて過ごしています。買った花や家の庭からのものもありますが、多くが友人知人がカフェにどうかと言って持ってきて下さったものです。お心遣いありがたく思っています。It's been a half year since I opened the cafe. I am spending my days surrounded by various flowers and plants. I bought or picked some of them from my back yard but most of them are from my friends and acquaintances who said they would be suitable for the cafe. I really appreciate their warm hearts.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
今日はボストンから帰っている娘と敏満寺の胡宮神社へ行ってきました。緑が瑞々しい神社は今は無人と聞いていますが、きれいに掃除された参道を歩くと敏満寺の人々の神社を守る気持ちが伝わります。軽い気持ちで磐座(いわくら)へと向かったのが大きな誤算で、上り坂のきつさに先日の能イベントで体力を消耗した私は音を上げそうになりました。結局、向かったのは標高333メートルの青龍山で、頂上で家から持ってきたおにぎりとお茶で一休み。美しい眺めと多賀町の花、ささゆりで癒されました。Today I went to Konomiya Shrine with my daughter who is now visiting me from Boston. Konomiya Shrine which is full of fresh greenery is now unoccupied but the area was neatly cleaned and I could tell that people in Binmanji are taking good care of the shrine. It was my big misjudgment that Iwakura (referring to inner shrine) was an easy walk but it was so hard for me especially after I had exhausted my energy for the Noh event last Sunday. Ultimately we climbed up the 333 meter-high Mount Seiryu. On the top of the mountain, we took a break with rice balls and tea which I brought from home. Both my daughter and I were soothed by the beautiful view and Sasayuri (Lillium japonicum) which is the symbol flower of Taga.
Monday, June 19, 2017
6月19日(月曜日) 2017
昨日(6/18)、お能のイベントを行ないました。東京から観世流シテ方能楽師の鵜澤久氏、同じく観世流シテ方能楽師、鵜澤光氏、また大阪から大倉流小鼓方能楽師の久田舜一郎氏をお迎えし、謡と仕舞と小鼓の気魄に満ちたそれでいて大変和やかで格調高い時間が午後のひととき多賀 あさひやに流れました。記念すべき日を創っていただきましたことを三人の能楽師の先生方には勿論のこと、70名近くのお客様一人一人に、そしてお手伝い下さった人々に、深く感謝いたします。Noh event was held at the cafe yesterday. We had Kanze school Noh master in a a main role, Hisa Uzawa from Tokyo, Hikaru Uzawa from the same Noh school in Tokyo as well who is also a Noh master in a main role, and Okura school small hand drum player, Shunichiro Hisada from Osaka. The Noh chanting, Noh dance and a small hand drum performance was full of spirit. It was also a relaxing and magnificent afternoon at my cafe. I thank these three Noh masters, the nearly 70 guests who came to the cafe and people who helped with the event. They created such a memorable day for the cafe and for me.
昨日(6/18)、お能のイベントを行ないました。東京から観世流シテ方能楽師の鵜澤久氏、同じく観世流シテ方能楽師、鵜澤光氏、また大阪から大倉流小鼓方能楽師の久田舜一郎氏をお迎えし、謡と仕舞と小鼓の気魄に満ちたそれでいて大変和やかで格調高い時間が午後のひととき多賀 あさひやに流れました。記念すべき日を創っていただきましたことを三人の能楽師の先生方には勿論のこと、70名近くのお客様一人一人に、そしてお手伝い下さった人々に、深く感謝いたします。Noh event was held at the cafe yesterday. We had Kanze school Noh master in a a main role, Hisa Uzawa from Tokyo, Hikaru Uzawa from the same Noh school in Tokyo as well who is also a Noh master in a main role, and Okura school small hand drum player, Shunichiro Hisada from Osaka. The Noh chanting, Noh dance and a small hand drum performance was full of spirit. It was also a relaxing and magnificent afternoon at my cafe. I thank these three Noh masters, the nearly 70 guests who came to the cafe and people who helped with the event. They created such a memorable day for the cafe and for me.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
6月10日(土曜日) 2017
夜、灯りを消した部屋に光が差し込んでいました。窓から見えるどの屋根も白く光って、見渡すと月に照らされた影もはっきりと見えます。月明かりがこんなにも明るいとは。満月が真っ直ぐこちらを見ていました。何と透き通った静かなる美しい光景!Last night, moonlight poured through the window into the dark room. When I looked over at the window, roofs were shining white and the outline of shadows of the things in the light's path were clearly seen. I was surprised at the brightness of the moonlight. It was a full moon and looked as if she was looking straight down at me. What a crystal-clear, calm, beautiful night!
夜、灯りを消した部屋に光が差し込んでいました。窓から見えるどの屋根も白く光って、見渡すと月に照らされた影もはっきりと見えます。月明かりがこんなにも明るいとは。満月が真っ直ぐこちらを見ていました。何と透き通った静かなる美しい光景!Last night, moonlight poured through the window into the dark room. When I looked over at the window, roofs were shining white and the outline of shadows of the things in the light's path were clearly seen. I was surprised at the brightness of the moonlight. It was a full moon and looked as if she was looking straight down at me. What a crystal-clear, calm, beautiful night!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
6月8日(木曜日) 2017
昨日は雨で「こんな日はきっと…」と思いきや、朝から絶えることなくお客様がいらしてくださいました。有り難いことです。さて、カフェの内、外、まるで植物園のようです。今日は定休日ですが玄関前はT.Kさんが持ってきてくださった金魚草、クジャクサボテン、バラの鉢植えが可憐にまた鮮やかに花を咲かせています。Yesterday was a rainy day and I thought "it will probably be a slow day...". On the contrary to my expectation, customers came without a pause from the opening. I am grateful to them. Both inside and outside of the cafe, it looks like a botanic garden! Flower pots of snapdragon, orchid cactus and rose which are all from Mr. T.K are blooming sweetly and actively in front of the entrance of the cafe.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
朝、表で掃き掃除をしていると愛犬を連れたM.Tさんが大きな花包みを抱えて来てくださいました。いただいた花は「カシワバアジサイ」と 言うそうです。なるほど、このアジサイの葉は柏餅の葉に似ています。ネットで調べると北米原産とありました。早速、蔵の壷に入れて飾りました。六月の花、紫陽花(あじさい)が家でも見られるようになりました。嬉しいです。When I was sweeping in front of the cafe this morning, Ms. M.T. with her dog came holding a big bundle of flowers. She kindly gave it to me saying it is KASHIWABA-AJISAI (Hydrangea quercifolia). KASHIWA-BA means leaf of oak tree. It is Hydrangea but the shape of the leaf is similar to that of an oak tree. According to internet information, it is native to North America. I put the KASHIWABA-AJISAI in the vase in the warehouse. Hydrangea is a typical flower in June. I am glad to see it in my cafe.
Monday, June 5, 2017
6月5日(月曜日) 2017
風が強かったですが今日も良いお天気でした。散歩に出て神社の森がスカスカになっていたので、がっかりしました。この間、大きなクレーン車が境内に入っていたので木の枝打ちをするとは分かっていましたが、枝打ちだけでなく立派な森の木が何本も根元からなくなっていたのには驚きました。そこまで必要?…と思ってしまいます。散歩の途中いつも季節の花が咲き乱れている角のお宅。今日の花、さて何という名前か、やっぱり私には分かりません。Today was a fine day although it was a bit windy. When I went to Taga-taisha (shrine) on the way of my morning walk, I was very disappointed to see the wood less populated with trees. There was a big crane at the shrine a couple of weeks ago and I knew that they were going to trim the branches of the trees, but actually they cut many big trees in the wood and I was very surprised at this. I doubt if it is truly necessary. There is a house in the corner on my walk which is full of seasonal flowers. Today I found beautiful pink flowers hanging toward the river. I was wondering what the name of it is. Um... again I have no idea.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
今日から6月。衣替えの季節です。まず5月中飾っておいた武者人形を片付け、掛け軸を新しいものに替えたつもりが何か見覚えのある掛け軸。はて、前に掛けたものなのか…ブログをさかのぼって見てみたら2月に掛けたものでした。松と雀、それにピンクの花は何でしょう?冬か夏かどちらに掛けるのが正解か、そのうちお客様が教えて下さるだろうと無責任にそのまま掛けておくことにしました。きれいな花が咲いたからとT.Kさんがサボテンの鉢植えを持ってきて下さったので、古い鉢に入れて廊下に置いてみました。何というサボテンかT.Kさんも分からないそうです。T.Kさんも私も随分呑気ですね。Today is the start of June and the season of Koromo-gae (changing clothing). In Japan, school children change their uniform into the summer one. Warrior dolls in the alcove are put away into a storage room and a new scroll is hung. I thought I picked a new one, but it's somehow familiar with me. After checking my blogs, I realized that I put it up in February. I have no idea whether it is best for the winter or summer season. I decided to keep it in the alcove until some wise man/woman tells me about it. The other day, Mr. T.K brought a beautiful cactus flower pot to me. I put it on a wooden-floored corridor. I asked the name of the cactus to Mr. T.K but he doesn't know about it. I think both Mr. T.K and I are pretty optimistic.
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