Sunday, November 25, 2018


毎週金曜日に近所で地域の野菜が販売されるのを楽しみにしていますが、 春菊、水菜、大根、かぶ、小いも、白菜、ゆず、にんじん、ごぼうなど、 季節の野菜がどれもびっくりするような安い値段で並んでいます。売って下さっている農家の西澤のりさんにこんな値段で大丈夫なのかと聞くと、売れ残っても困るからということでしたが、不作でも豊作でも農家の方は大変です。菊菜、水菜それに立派な葉つきの大根を買いました。そして大根の葉を入れた「菜めし」を作りました。塩ゆでにした葉を絞って細かく切って塩少々をまぶしておいて、別に酒と塩を加えてで炊き上げたご飯にまぜて出来上がり。ゴマを振り入れ、黄色いたくあんを上に乗せると見た目も美しく食欲をそそります。ご飯のそばには桃原ごぼうと残っていた赤こんにゃくとにんじんのきんぴらをつけました。I look forward to Fridays because every week I can get fresh vegetables at a temporary vegetable stand near my house. These days there are Garland Chrysanthemum (Shungiku), Mizuna, Daikon, Turnip, Japanese Taro, Chinese Cabbage, Yuzu, Carrot, Burdock, etc. and all of these are selling at an unbelievably low price. I thought those low prices must be so hard for the farmers. Ms.Nishizawa who is a farmer herself and selling those vegetables from other farmers said that even if they were low price it is better than them remaining unsold. I really sympathize with how farmers are tough whether it is a good harvest or failed year. I bought Garland Chrysanthemum, Mizuna and Daikon with greens. I made boiled rice with Daikon green. I added Kinpiragoboo (burdock which has a sweet soy flavor) as a side dish.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


雨が落ちてきそうな曇り空でしたが、昨日は久しぶりに多賀大社へ お参りに行っていつもの散歩コースを歩きました。 期待通り、多賀大社の紅葉はきれいに色づいていました。境内に入ると 月曜日でそれほど多くはないながらも七五三の晴れ着を来た子供と その家族があちこちに見られて微笑ましい光景でした。 男の子なら3歳か5歳、女の子なら3歳か7歳になると家族が子供の成長を願って晴れ着を着せて神社へお参りする風習は江戸時代からあったそうですが、私の子供時代は七五三参りをする家族はまわりにはいなかったように思います。ちびっこ達の表情はみな柔和で時代の豊かさを感じました。元気いっぱい伸び伸び成長してほしいものです。The weather was cloudy and looked like it might rain soon, but I went to Taga Taisha (shrine) for worship and took my regular walking route yesterday. It had been a long time since my last walk. At the shrine, as I expected, the maple trees were beautifully colored in red and at the shrine precinct I could see a couple of families who came for Shichi-Go- San and looked very happy. Shichi-Go-San is a traditional Japanese ceremony to celebrate children's growth. When they trurn three (San), five (Go) and seven (Shichi) years old, they are blessed at a Shinto shrine wearing their best clothes. It has been a custom since the Edo period (1603-1868) but when I was a child I didn't see any families to do this custom in my area probably because people were living in a modest way at that time. The kids looked so happy and I thought Japan became a wealthy country. Wishing them healthy and happy growth.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


図書館で本を探した後、大急ぎでCDの棚から適当に選んで借りて来たものが何枚か気に入っています。まず最初は「RITUAL LE MYSTERE DES VOIX BULGARES(ブルガリアン・ヴォイスの祭り歌)」です。江波戸 昭氏の解説によると、ブルガリアン・ヴォイスとはスイスに住む音楽研究者でレコードプロヂューサーのマルセル・セリエが録音したブルガリア国立放送合唱団のものだけをいうそうで、ブルガリアの民謡や民族音楽などを現代風にアレンジしたものをブルガリア各地から選ばれた女性達が歌っていて、その歌声は、のびやかで素朴、かつ力強く、時にユーモラスなかけ声が入ったりもして何とも独特な味わいがあります。旋律はスラブ民族らしい牧歌的な流れとイスラム系のこぶしの効いた節が合わさっていかにも民族音楽といった楽しさがあり聞いていて元気になります。今思い出すと、ジブリのアニメ「思い出ぽろぽろ」で使われていた音楽はこのブルガリアン・ヴォイスだったのではないかと思うのですが。After finding books at the library, I picked a couple of CDs in a hurry from a shelf in the CD section and currently I like to listen to some of them. First, I would like to introduce "RITUAL LE MYSTERE DES VOIX BULGARES (The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices)" which is a compliation album of modern arrangements of Bulgarian songs, featuring folk songs among others. According to info from Wikipedia, the album was the result of fifteen years of work by Swiss ethnomusicologist and producer Marcel Cellier and was released in 1975 on his small Disques Cellier label. It is a Female Vocal Choir whose members were selected from all over Bulgaria. Their voice is free, simple, energetic and sometimes I hear special humorous shouts thrown in. It's very pleasant folk music which is a mix of slavic and Islamic music. When I listened to this CD, I was reminded of the music in the Ghibli anime "Only Yesterday". I think the music that was featured in the film must have been

Thursday, November 15, 2018


フジバカマに続く話があります。カフェをよく手伝ってくださるS.Kさんからも中川さんからもお聞きしたり写真を見せていただいたりしたのですが、 フジバカマの花によく来る美しい「アサギマダラ」という蝶のことです。 アサギマダラをネットで調べると細かく羽ばたかずふわふわっと飛翔し人を 恐れず、標高の高い山地に多く見られるとあります。この蝶が美しい姿であることは写真を見て分かりますが、最も驚くべきことは アサギマダラは「旅する蝶」だということです。夏に日本本土で発生してその多くが秋になると南西諸島や台湾まで南下するそうです。2011年10月10日に和歌山県から 放たれたマーキングしたアサギマダラが83日後の12月31日に香港で捕獲されたそうです。フジバカマやキク科の植物の甘い蜜をたっぷり吸って旅支度をするとはいえ、こんな小さな体が海を渡って飛んでいくなんて何とけなげな蝶でしょう。仲間と一緒に旅をするそうですが、生物の神秘を感じます。There is a continuation of the story of Fujibakama from the last blog, and it involves "Asagimadara (Chestnut Tiger butterfly)". I heard the story and saw photos of Asagimadara from Ms. S.K who often helps me in the cafe, and from Ms. Nakagawa. Asagimadara is a beautiful butterfly as you will see in the pictures which often comes to the flowers of Fujibakama. It doesn't fly with flapping movements. It is also seen in a mountainous region. But the most surprising fact of Asagimadara is that it is a "Traveling butterfly " (long distance migration butterfly). A marked Asagimadara which was released in Mt. Nishiyama, Wakayama prefecture in Japan on 10 October 2011 was captured in Hong Kong on 31 December 2011. I can hardly believe that a tiny species can travel such a long distance. What a brave butterfly! Asagimadara migrate in groups but they highlight the mystery of living creatures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

桃原(もばら)ごぼうの復活に力を入れている中川信子さんが桃原で採れた 「藤袴(フジバカマ)」の花を持って来てくださいました。フジバカマは 秋の七草の一つ。中川さんから「桜餅の香りがするよ」と教えてもらい花に鼻を近づけると、なるほど「美味しいにおい」がします。この芳香は「クマリン」という成分のせいだそうです。初冬に秋の花がそばにあって春の桜餅の香りがするなんて面白いなと思いました。Ms. N.Nakagawa who has been putting in her efforts towards reviving Mobara goboo (burdock) brought me "Fujibakama (Thoroughwort)" from a mountain village, Mobara. Fujibakama is one of the seven autumnal flowers. She told me that it smells like Sakura-mochi (rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf), so I put my nose close to the flower of Fujibakama. Indeed it smelled like a delicious Sakura-mochi. She also told me it is because of the component "coumarin". I think it is interesting that there are autumn flowers beside me now despite it being the early months of winter, and that they smell of a Japanese traditional sweet enjoyed in the springtime.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


昔の仲間が主催している演劇集団「GADSMITH」のフランス古典劇の朗読会に浦和まで行ってきました。昨日はジャン・アヌイ(1910-1987)の「アンチゴーヌ」でした。これはギリシャの三大詩人の一人ソポクレスの「アンティゴネー」を 題材としてアヌイが第二次大戦下のフランスで出版した悲劇です。真っ直ぐに進み決して心を曲げない少女アンチゴーヌ。冒頭、反逆者として野ざらしにされていた兄の遺体に彼女は夜明けに抜け出して張りつめた思いで弔いの土をかけた後帰ってきて乳母に言う言葉(正確には覚えていませんが)「きれいだったわ、何もかも灰色…。でももう絵はがきになってしまったわ。色のない世界が見たかったらもっと早起きしなくっちゃ。」若いときに演じてみたいと惹かれたアンチゴーヌ。演劇的基礎が訓練された俳優達による朗読劇の終った後の浦和のたそがれは何だかとっても優しく穏やかでした。I went to Urawa (in Saitama prefecture) to listen to a reading of classic French play by the theatre group "GADSMITH" which my old friend and her husband organize. Yesterday, they read Jean Anouilh's (1910-1987) "Antigone". It is a play inspired by the Greek tragedy, Antigone by Sophocles and it was published in France during the second world war. Antigone is a girl who stands up for what she believes in. Creon ordered to leave her brother's body outside to rot as a warning against rebellion, but Antigone went out to bury him for mourning even though she knew that the penalty for doing it was death. She sneaked back into her home in the early morning but was found by her nurse, at which point Antigone said to her: "It was beautiful. The whole world was gray. And now you wouldn't recognize it. It's like a post card. You should get up earlier, if you want to see a world without color." I wanted to play the role of Antigone when I was young. The reading was well done by the actors who were well trained in dramatic articulation. When I went outside after the reading, it was a beautiful twilight in downtown Urawa. I went home with a nice

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


あまりよくない天気予報が出ていましたが、朝から陽が差して お昼ごろにはポカポカの陽気になりました。今日は二人の方から 秋のお花をいただきました。コスモスとかすみ草は床の間へ。何かしらと 思った赤い葉っぱはブルーベリーですよと教えていただき、同じ色の赤い菊と白い菊を一緒にふわっときれいに上がり口に、種類も色もとりどりの華やかな小菊群は蔵に飾りました。「コスモスって花の雰囲気と音の響きがよく合ってる」と31歳で他界したすぐ上の兄が言っていたのを思い出します。優しい兄がそばに来てくれたようです。花々に囲まれて何とも贅沢な秋の午後となりました。The weather forecast for today was not very good, but it turned out to be a nice and calm day. I received beautiful autumn flowers from two guests today, so I put cosmos with gypsophila in the alcove. Initially I wondered what the red leaves were, and was told that they were blueberry leaves. I placed them along with similarly red colored chrysanthemums and white chrysanthemums on the shoe box, and assorted these colorful chrysanthemums in the flower vase at the warehouse. I remember my fourth elder brother who passed away at the age of 31 saying that cosmos just fits the image of the flower and the sound of the flower name. Looking at the cosmos in the alcove, I feel as if he is with me. It was a happy afternoon day surrounded with beautiful autumn flowers.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


文化の日の昨日、カフェを休業して京都祇園のシルバーウイングスというライブハウスにRone & Gigiのクラウン(道化師)のショーを観に行きました。 この二人、何とクラウン歴28年目とか。アメリカのクラウンカレッジ卒業後、 コンビを結成。モスクワの芸術座やイギリスで著名な師についてクラウンの演劇的表現やパントマイムを学び、世界のクラウンコンテストで最優秀賞、優勝など多くの賞を獲得し各国のアーティストたちに衝撃と影響を与え続けています。 前列の一番端に目立たぬようにそっと座ったつもりでしたが、ステージが始まると、アハハ、オホホと結構な声を上げて笑ってしまいました。ちょっとすかしてその演技や表情を見るとどのシーンも到底付け焼き場でできるものではなく、長年の地道な訓練とセンスの良い笑いの積み重ねであることが分かります。 このRoneさん、実はむかーしちょっと私と接点があったのです。30年の歳月の間に彼女はここまで実力をつけて私の前に現れてくれました。嬉しいと同時に立派だと尊敬します。Yesterday was a national holiday called Culture Day. We closed the cafe temporarily and I went to a club named Silver Wings in Kyoto where a professional clown show was held. It's a Japanese clown duo "Rone & Gigi" and this is the 28th Anniversary since they became a pair. They both graduated from clown college in the US and studied more clowning and mime from masters in Russia and UK for years and received grand prize, championship in the international clown contests and other many awards. They have been motivating and impacting other clowns throughout the world. At the club, I took the endmost seat in front row as I didn't want to stand out, but I laughed out loud the entire time . Seriously observing their performance, their clowning was so trained and full of good humor. Actually, there was a time I shared with Rone decades ago. She showed herself yesterday as a big person who has established her ability as a world entertainer while we hadn't seen each other in 30 years. I am glad to see her again and I truly respect her very much.