Tuesday, November 6, 2018


あまりよくない天気予報が出ていましたが、朝から陽が差して お昼ごろにはポカポカの陽気になりました。今日は二人の方から 秋のお花をいただきました。コスモスとかすみ草は床の間へ。何かしらと 思った赤い葉っぱはブルーベリーですよと教えていただき、同じ色の赤い菊と白い菊を一緒にふわっときれいに上がり口に、種類も色もとりどりの華やかな小菊群は蔵に飾りました。「コスモスって花の雰囲気と音の響きがよく合ってる」と31歳で他界したすぐ上の兄が言っていたのを思い出します。優しい兄がそばに来てくれたようです。花々に囲まれて何とも贅沢な秋の午後となりました。The weather forecast for today was not very good, but it turned out to be a nice and calm day. I received beautiful autumn flowers from two guests today, so I put cosmos with gypsophila in the alcove. Initially I wondered what the red leaves were, and was told that they were blueberry leaves. I placed them along with similarly red colored chrysanthemums and white chrysanthemums on the shoe box, and assorted these colorful chrysanthemums in the flower vase at the warehouse. I remember my fourth elder brother who passed away at the age of 31 saying that cosmos just fits the image of the flower and the sound of the flower name. Looking at the cosmos in the alcove, I feel as if he is with me. It was a happy afternoon day surrounded with beautiful autumn flowers.