Thursday, March 23, 2023





    Around Vernal Equinox Day, it is said that sparrows start to build a nest, and all living creatures move actively at the same time as cherry blossoms start to open.

    Now, I am pleased to announce that we will have an annual Noh event at Taga Asahiya on Sunday, 14th May. We will have five noh actors and players; Hisa Uzawa (shite actor in Kanze School), Hikaru Uzawa (shite actor in Kanze School), Tomonobu Sadamitsu (flute in Morita School), Yasuko Hisada (small hand drum in Ohkura School), Yasuyuki Morita (large hand drum in Kanze School). In the early summer breeze, noh recitation, dance and musical accompaniment will be performed seriously but peacefully and brightly. If you haven't watched noh performance before, please feel free to come! I am sure you will enjoy it and it will be a memorable day.

    Tickets will be ready by phone (0749-48-0186) or email (




    It's Vernal Equinox Day. It is also called "Ohigan" in Japanese and traditional sasonal event was held in Japan each spring and autumn. People visit their family's graves and pray for their ancestors.

    I visited the grave yesterday, and it's been a while since the last time which made me feel relieved now. My family's grave is on the mountain and I went up there by my electric assist bicycle. When I got to the water supply area, a man was cleaning a metal tube for flowers. Starting from just greeting each other, we knew that we were neighbors a long time ago when I was very small. His house used to be prestigious, such as the landlord where a feudal lord stayed over in the Edo period and I remember the old gate in his house. When I said goodbye to him, I said "please say hello to your ancestor". I thought that it was a phrase that I could say only at graveyards. I somehow had a pleasant feeling.

Saturday, March 18, 2023



    I went to 6 grader's class for story telling this morning. Up until 3rd graders, they have storytelling mostly every week, but it comes only once a semester from 4 to 6 graders. Thinking over what I will read for them, since it was the first time for me to visit 6 graders' class, I chose "Yodaka no hoshi"(The Nighthawk Star) (by Kenji Miyazawa) which I like very much. It will be over ten minutes if I read the full book so I made it shorter in order to be finished in ten minutes by cutting some parts which don't affect the main story. The final action of Yodaka (Japanese goatsucker), who had been alienated from other birds, was devastating and it deeply moved me. Since I was afraid of taking over time, I read rather rapidly, but children listened to my reading intently and it made me very happy.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


    日ごと春めいて、心も軽やかに弾むこの頃です。そんな季節にぴったりのお知らせです。久保円(まどか)さんと久保文音(あやね)さん母子による「染織 きものx絵画 日本画」のふたり展を多賀あさひやにて開催します。期間は4月4日(火)~23日(日)。




    Spring is comming in the air day by day and we have more light feeling these days. I would like to make an announcement in such a nice mood. It is a Kimono and Japanese paintings exhibition by two artists, Madoka Kubo and Ayane Kubo who are mother and daughter. The exhibition starts April 4th till 23rd.

    Madoka is a dyer & weaver living in Taga and Ayane is a Japanese-style painter living in Chiba. Madoka was awarded in the Dyeing Weaving New Artists Exhibition in 1995. Madoka also got many awards, and in particular she was awarded in the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition in 2016 and 2017.

    During the exhibition term, a Weaving Workshop will be held 13:00~15:30 on 8th and 15th by Madoka using thread dyed with plants.

    I am impressed by the colors and composition in both Madoka and Ayanes' works. I hope you will come and enjoy their works. 

Friday, March 3, 2023





    There are four elementary schools, one middle and one high school in my district. Recently the middle school and the high school became one and a big building at the high school site was named Belmont Middle High school. Since it happened, various changes occured and one of them is parking space for student's cars. My house is near the high school and there is a wide street where a bus is running between the school and my house. When I came to Boston this time, I was surprised that both sides of the street became a parking space for the high school student's car. 

    In Japan people are able to get a driver's license when you become 18 years old, but in Massachusetts you can get it at the age of 16 and half years old (it is different depending on the state, though). So Japanese high school students go to their school by walking or by train and bus but many high school students in the US go to school by car. In my area, students park their cars at the space at the parking lot in school or designated on the side of the road. 

    Since elementary, middle and high schools were in the Spring Break last week, nobody parked the car on the road, so it was very spacious, but the break is over and many students have been parking their cars on the side of the street again.

Thursday, March 2, 2023


    ボストンには科学博物館(Science Museum)があって、そこにオムニ・シアターという360度に近いスクリーンで映像が見られる劇場があり行ってきました。

    このオムニ・シアター、私は以前行って面白いというよりも怖かった記憶があるので、今回は3つの選択肢(エベレスト/ 世界の自然界の動物/古代の洞窟)の中からなるべく刺激の少ないものをと思って「古代の洞窟」を選びました。…が、実はコレがかなり恐怖でした。中米の海岸や川の下には世界的な大洞窟があり、水深150メートル近く潜って研究用のサンプルをとってくるという映像です。ただの海中ではなく地下に洞窟があり通れそうなところを酸素ボンベをつけたダイバー二人が3時間近くかけて潜っていくのですが、植物も動物もない真っ暗な洞窟の中をヘルメットや手に持った懐中電灯の灯を頼りに這うようにして奥深く探検していく様子を丸い大きなスクリーンの下で見るのはかなりの迫力でやはり私は怖かったです。子供が大勢見ていましたが、怖くないのか皆静かに見ていました。色鮮やかで音響効果も良いのが一層臨場感を盛り上げていました。

    見終わってお昼ご飯はHarvard Sq.のHarvest というレストランでハンバーガーを食べました。ハンバーガーといっても、焼き方と付け合わせ(サラダがフレンチフライ)の選択を聞かれ、私はミディアムとフライドポテトを選びました。写真は撮り忘れたのでレストランのHPからのものですが、肉汁の滴るハンバーガーと大盛りのフライドポテトに久しぶりのアメリカを満喫しました。混んでいただけあって、内装も味もとてもよかったです。もちろん値段も。

    There is a Science Museum in Boston and it has Omni Theatre which shows movies with almost a 360 degree screen. I went there yesterday.

    I have been before and I remember feeling scared. Therefore I chose the film, Ancient Caves, which seemed the most mild one among the three (Everest / Serengeti / Ancient Caves). However, it was still scary to me. It was a film about world famous caves which exist under the river and sea coast in South America. Two divers were exploring under 300 feet depth to get some samples. It was not only in the sea but also in the complicated cave and two divers were diving and crawling for about three hours with a flashlight carrying two oxygen cylinders in the dark cave with no living creatures and plants. We felt as if we were with them and it was overwhelming to watch the film under such a big round screen. The clear and beautiful color and sound effects contributed to the feeling of being actually there. Surprisingly many children in the audience were quietly watching.

    After Omni theater, we went to "Harvest" at Harvard eat lunch. I ate a hamburger which was medium and came with a full amount of french fries. Since I forgot to take photos, I took pictures of them from the homepage of the restaurant. The hamburger was juicy and french fries were crispy. Both were very good and I enjoyed this American meal in the nice interior restaurant. It was a good price, too!