Tuesday, February 28, 2017

「多賀あさひや」のカフェを始める前に丁稚羊姜で有名な近江八幡の和多与さんが経営する八幡掘りの「逢茶あまな」さんで必要なことを色々教えていただきました。その時お世話になった従業員の方お二人が今日の午後かわいいお土産を持って訪ねてくださいました。そのお土産は苺の鉢植えです。真っ白な可憐な花から緑のかたい小さい果実が顔を出し、やがて真っ赤な苺になっていきます。苺と言えば、昔、祖母が畑で苺を植えていて、春になるともぎ取るのを手伝って毎晩お風呂上がりに食べていたのを思い出します。小さいけど赤くてとっても甘い苺を薄い塩水で洗って、ガラスの容器に家族それぞれの分を順番に入れていくのは子供の私の役目でした。スプーンで潰してお砂糖を少しと牛乳をたっぷり入れて、皆が食べ終わってもまだ自分のだけは残っているようにゆっくりゆっくりスプーンですくって食べました。苺は私の大好きな果物。アメリカにも苺はありますが大抵びっくりするほど大きいのです。味のほうは....どうやら軍配は日本に上がるようです。何十年ぶりかで故郷に帰ってきて真冬に近所の野菜市にきれいな苺のケースが並んでいるのを見て驚きました。甘くておいしい苺です。遠くから運ばれてくるのかと思ったら、何と地元の農家の方が出荷していらっしゃると聞いてもう一度びっくり。有り難いことです。故郷でこうしてまた美味しい苺が食べられるのですから。Before I started my cafe, I learned many necessary things for the cafe from another cafe named "Amana" which is run by Watayo in Ohmihachiman. Watayo is famous for Decchi Yookan (sweet bean jelly wrapped with skin of bamboo) in Shiga.  Today, two ladies who taught me at Amana visited me bringing a cute gift.  It was strawberry plant. First it has small white flowers and green hard fruits appear from there, then they gradually turn into red berries. I remember the old days which involved strawberries. When I was a child, my grandmother was planting strawberries in her small field. In spring I picked berries for her and at night she let me put them in individual glass bowls on the table. I smashed them with a spoon, and put a little sugar and much milk there. Then I took my time eating them so that I would still have them in my bowl even after every family member had finished eating. I like strawberries very much. I can find strawberries in the US but they are giant and not as sweet as in Japan. When I came back to Taga last year, I was surprised to find strawberries at the vegetable stand near my house. It was wintertime and I was also surprised to know that they were from a local farm. Native strawberries are very sweet. I really appreciate being able to get such fresh, sweet strawberries in my hometown.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

朝、店でお出しする食べ物を作って、Kさんにお店をお願いして10時半すぎのバスに乗り、途中Hさんと合流して京都に向かいました。ボストン音楽院で修士を終えドイツに拠点をうつして活躍中のマリンバ奏者、布谷史人(ぬのや・ふみと)さんが京都での公演に私を招待して下さったのです。世界的なコンクールで数々の受賞をしていらっしゃる布谷さんの経歴の立派なこと!ボストン以来ここ数年聴く機会がなかったのですが、巧みなテクニックで力強く、それでいて非常に温かく繊細な布谷さんのマリンバの響きは一段とその表現力を増していたように思います。アンコール最後に「琵琶湖周航の歌」を心を込めて演奏して下さり、ほぼ40年振りに昨年滋賀に戻ってきた私は万感迫る思いで聴かせてていただきました。帰りに京都からKさんに電話したら、日曜日の午後、お客様が沢山来て下さりお客様として来て下さったIさんにも手伝っていただいたとのこと。お世話になりました。今日は嬉しい一日でした。布谷さん、Hさん、Kさん、Iさん、そして貴重な日曜日にわざわざ「多賀あさひや」に来て下さったお客様の皆様。本当にありがとうございました。In early morning after preparing Mochiko cake and Inari-zushi for serving at the shop, I went to Kyoto with H for the Marimba concert of my friend, Fumito Nunoya. He is a worldwide marimbist who won many prestigious international competitions. I have not had a chance to listen to his play since he left Boston. He currently lives in Germany after finishing Master of Music and Art Diploma from The Boston Conservatory http://www.fumitonunoya.com/biography. I was fascinated with his sound which he created with marvelous technique. It was powerful and sometimes very sensitive and gentle. When I listened to "Biwako-shuukoo-no-uta" at the very end of the concert, I was moved very much because it is a music of the lake Biwa which I live near by, and I recently returned to my hometown after nearly 40 years since I left. After getting out the hall, I called Ms. K. According to her, we had many guests to the cafe and Ms. I who happened to come to the shop as a customer kindly helped her.  It was a grateful day. I appreciate Mr. Nunoya, Ms. H, Ms. K, Ms. I and guests who came to the shop on the last Sunday of February. Thank you so much, everyone!

Friday, February 24, 2017

2月24日(金曜日)2017カフェの名前は「多賀あさひや」ですが、これは教師だった祖母が昭和の初期に仕事を辞めてからしばらく開いていた土産物屋の名前が「朝日屋」でそれを私が引継いだものですが、実は祖母の前に曾祖母も明治から大正にかけて店を開いていたことが、蔵から出てきた台帳を見てわかりました。この台帳は去年家を改修した時に蔵の「ガラクタ」の中にあったものです100年ちかく誰の手にも触れられたことのない古い台帳が今また明るい光の中に現れ出たのです。私の生まれるずっとずっと前の朝日屋とこの店に関わった人々との営みがこの古い台帳を紐解くことで分かってくるでしょう。何だか昔の扉を一つずつ開いていくようでドキドキします。"Taga Asahiya" is the name of my cafe which was inspired by my grandmother, who opened a souvenir shop of the same name after she retired from being a school teacher in early Showa era (1920's).  As a matter of fact, I found that my great-grand mother was also running a shop in late Meiji era (around 1900). I discovered this from account books which were found among the storage in my warehouse last year. It was hidden there for nearly 100 years without being touched by anyone. By researching these old account books, one can learn about deferred payment (credit), purchases of the material etc. made at the old "Asahiya". I am very excited about it!

Monday, February 20, 2017

朝は曇り空の中いつもの散歩に出かけました。多賀大社では去年太閤橋付近の天満神社脇にあった大木がばっさり切られたので辺りがすかすかになって残念に思っていましたが、今朝そこに紅白の梅の木が一本ずつ植えられていることに気がつきました。紅梅は賑やかに咲いていましたが白梅の方はもう少しのようです。天満神社は学問の神様。受験生の願いを込めた絵馬がそばにびっしり掛けてあります。静かながら勢いを感じさせる紅梅白梅の姿がそこにあることにほっとしました。It was cloudy this morning. I took a walk as I usually do on my off day. There was a big cedar tree beside Tenman-guu near the arched bridge at Taga-taisha and it was boldly cut last year so now it is just a stump. I was so disappointed to look at the area where there was no green and too much open space. Today I found that red and white plum trees are planted there. The red one was blooming lively but the white one was still a little bit too early. Tenman-guu is known as god of learning, and I saw many Emas (pictorial wooden offering plaque) were hanging from the board beside the shrine wishing for success to the entrance exam for school. I believe the two plum trees help to lift off the pressure of the exam and encourage young people.

Friday, February 17, 2017

地元の方がたくさんいらっしゃいました。蔵、座敷、カウンターとあちこちで話しに花が咲き全体が楽しい雰囲気でした。今日はKさんが厨房を手伝って下さっていたので、Kさんに会いにこられたお客様も多かったです。あさひやが地元の憩いの場となればこんな嬉しいことはありません。Many local people came today. People were chatting to each other at the warehouse area, tatami-room and counter. They looked very relaxed and pleasant. Since Ms. K was in the kitchen today to help me, many guests came to see her.  I am grateful that my cafe is a meeting place where local people can interact with one another. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

賑やかな一日でした。そして今日は植物のことを勉強しました。義母様の病院帰りに寄って下さったお客様に千両と万両のほかに一両、十両、百両と呼ばれる実があることを教えていただいているところへいつもの力強い応援隊、H.N夫妻が見え、Hさんが我が家にあった古い竹の花器にいぶきという緑を上品に生けてくださいました。そして、それを離れにいく廊下に置いて下さると何とあたりが見違えるように凛とした空気になりました。今まで誇りだらけだった花器が生け手によってこんなにも生き生きと存在感を出すことに驚いています。離れの床の間の白梅がこの間から咲き始めて私の胸も膨らんでいます。It was a merry day. I learned about plants which were new to me. A woman with her mother in law stopped by my cafe on their way back from the mother's dentist appointment and talked to me about the little berries in the vase on the table. It's interesting to know that there are different kinds and are named from old currency such as Ichi-Ryo, Jyuu-Ryo, Hyaku-Ryo, Sen-Ryo and Man-Ryo.  Then, my friend H came with her husband.  She arranged a green branch called Ibuki nicely in the old bamboo vase which I found in the storage room last year.  She placed it in the corner of the hallway.  Wow!!  I can not describe this beauty in English.  It's so beautiful! I am also happy to see buds of white plum are opening. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2月14日 2017
アメリカでは毎年この日に男女を問わず日頃の感謝や親愛のしるしとしてカードや花やチョコレートを家族や友人そして恋人に贈ります。子供が小さい時は我が家も子供のクラスメートの数だけ小さなチョコを付けたカードを前夜に家族で作ったものです。そんなことを思い出しながら「多賀あさひや」でもささやかなバレンタインデーを楽しみたいと思いました。寒い中、いらして下さったお客様に感謝。ハッピー・バレンタインデー!Each year on Feb.14, in the US many people exchange cards, candy and flowers with their special "valentine" such as Boy/girlfriend, family members, and classmates.  When my daughter was little, she made her own cards with little candies on them for her classmates, and I helped her with my husband. Today, I enjoyed this special day in my cafe. I made special little gifts for my customers. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2017

2月13日 2017
昨日は一日雪。今回の雪はこの前より積雪量は少ないですが鳥取の友達のところは大変なようで心配です。今朝は久しぶりに朝の散歩に出ました。多賀大社の拝殿には寒さよけの御簾が下がっていました。吹きさらしの中で祈祷をしてもらう参拝者への配慮なのでしょう。森を抜けていつもの道を歩きましたが雪の田んぼと山の景色の静けさに胸を打たれました。Yesterday, it was snowing all day long.  This time, the snow accumulation in Taga is less than the last time. However, I am afraid that Tottori, where my friend is living, is having record snowfall.  Hope people there are fine. I took a walk this morning.  When I got to Taga-taisha, I saw bamboo screen in warship area to protect against the cold for the people who are blessed. After going through the forest of the shrine, I took the same walkway as usual. I was amazed by the scenery of the rice field which was completely covered with snow and the blackish mountain.  It was like an ink painting and I felt so calm.

Friday, February 10, 2017

2月10日 2017

リンクリストに風の工房ギャラリー 燕来庵 http://www.t-craft.com/enraian/と多賀町史編纂を考える委員会 http://blog.livedoor.jp/taga_kangaerukai/を追加しました。

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2月9日 2017
今日は定休日。朝からの雪にもかかわらずH.Nさんご夫妻はご厚意で車を持たない私を彦根に食事と買い物に連れ出してくださいました。その前にまずは私の希望で井伊家伝来の雛人形を見に彦根城博物館へ。江戸時代大名家では姫君の婚礼の際に調度品と同じように雛道具を調えてそれを持参する習わしがあったそうで、井伊家にも姫君達の雛道具が残されています。何組かの雛人形が立派なのは言うまでもなく、見事なミニチュアの調度品の雛道具には目を見張りました。http://hikone-castle-museum.jp/collection/322.htmlまた復元された表御殿から見える雪の中のお庭はあまりに美しく、しばし息を飲んで見とれました。Today is Thursday and the cafe is regularly closed, as is also on Monday. Since I don't have a car, my friend, H.N and her husband kindly took me out to Hikone for lunch and shopping even though it was snowing since the morning. As I had requested, we visited Hikone Castle Museum to see a special exhibition of Hina Dolls and Miniature Household Furnishings. In the Edo period, Daimyoo (Feudal lord) prepared the household furnishings and also miniature ones for their daughters when they were going to enter marriage. We could see many magnificent miniature furnishings of the Ii family as well as Hina dolls.  I also appreciated the garden in snowfall viewed from the palace which was restored many years ago. It was just so beautiful! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2月8日 2017


2月8日 2017
今日は昨日と違いお客様が多い日でした。東近江市の親戚のお嬢さんから干支の酉の置物をいただきました。カウンターの上に置いてみたら赤い鶏冠(とさか)の酉が品よく納まりました。後ろの黄色い花は山茱萸(さんしゅゆ)というそうで友人のH.Nさんが桜より早く春を届けて下さいました。庭のさんしゅ〜ゆ〜のという出だしの歌を唄いなが何という歌かなと考えていらしたHさんのご主人。後で調べたら「ひえつき節」でした。Today, more customers came to the shop than yesterday. A relative from Higashi-Omi City gave me an ornament of the Rooster which is this year's zodiac.  I placed it on the counter.  It looks very nice.  The yellow little flowers behind the Rooster are called Sanshuyu. The branch is from my friend H.N. It is said that Sanshuyu is the flower which brings the spring season faster than cherry blossoms.  Her husband was singing a folk song  which starts with the word, Sanshuyu.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2月7日 2017
春を迎える雛人形を飾った次の日の朝、また庭は雪景色となりました。今週のお天気はあまりよくないとの予報です。それでもお昼過ぎに地元の方が何人か来店して下さいました。ありがたい限りです。It's snowing again this morning although I displayed Hina dolls yesterday for welcoming spring. According to the weather report, it will not be good weather this week. Nevertheless, a couple of local people came to the shop for tea and a chat. Thanks to them very much!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2月1日 2017