2月9日 2017
今日は定休日。朝からの雪にもかかわらずH.Nさんご夫妻はご厚意で車を持たない私を彦根に食事と買い物に連れ出してくださいました。その前にまずは私の希望で井伊家伝来の雛人形を見に彦根城博物館へ。江戸時代大名家では姫君の婚礼の際に調度品と同じように雛道具を調えてそれを持参する習わしがあったそうで、井伊家にも姫君達の雛道具が残されています。何組かの雛人形が立派なのは言うまでもなく、見事なミニチュアの調度品の雛道具には目を見張りました。http://hikone-castle-museum.jp/collection/322.htmlまた復元された表御殿から見える雪の中のお庭はあまりに美しく、しばし息を飲んで見とれました。Today is Thursday and the cafe is regularly closed, as is also on Monday. Since I don't have a car, my friend, H.N and her husband kindly took me out to Hikone for lunch and shopping even though it was snowing since the morning. As I had requested, we visited Hikone Castle Museum to see a special exhibition of Hina Dolls and Miniature Household Furnishings. In the Edo period, Daimyoo (Feudal lord) prepared the household furnishings and also miniature ones for their daughters when they were going to enter marriage. We could see many magnificent miniature furnishings of the Ii family as well as Hina dolls. I also appreciated the garden in snowfall viewed from the palace which was restored many years ago. It was just so beautiful!