Monday, February 20, 2017

朝は曇り空の中いつもの散歩に出かけました。多賀大社では去年太閤橋付近の天満神社脇にあった大木がばっさり切られたので辺りがすかすかになって残念に思っていましたが、今朝そこに紅白の梅の木が一本ずつ植えられていることに気がつきました。紅梅は賑やかに咲いていましたが白梅の方はもう少しのようです。天満神社は学問の神様。受験生の願いを込めた絵馬がそばにびっしり掛けてあります。静かながら勢いを感じさせる紅梅白梅の姿がそこにあることにほっとしました。It was cloudy this morning. I took a walk as I usually do on my off day. There was a big cedar tree beside Tenman-guu near the arched bridge at Taga-taisha and it was boldly cut last year so now it is just a stump. I was so disappointed to look at the area where there was no green and too much open space. Today I found that red and white plum trees are planted there. The red one was blooming lively but the white one was still a little bit too early. Tenman-guu is known as god of learning, and I saw many Emas (pictorial wooden offering plaque) were hanging from the board beside the shrine wishing for success to the entrance exam for school. I believe the two plum trees help to lift off the pressure of the exam and encourage young people.