2月13日 2017
昨日は一日雪。今回の雪はこの前より積雪量は少ないですが鳥取の友達のところは大変なようで心配です。今朝は久しぶりに朝の散歩に出ました。多賀大社の拝殿には寒さよけの御簾が下がっていました。吹きさらしの中で祈祷をしてもらう参拝者への配慮なのでしょう。森を抜けていつもの道を歩きましたが雪の田んぼと山の景色の静けさに胸を打たれました。Yesterday, it was snowing all day long. This time, the snow accumulation in Taga is less than the last time. However, I am afraid that Tottori, where my friend is living, is having record snowfall. Hope people there are fine. I took a walk this morning. When I got to Taga-taisha, I saw bamboo screen in warship area to protect against the cold for the people who are blessed. After going through the forest of the shrine, I took the same walkway as usual. I was amazed by the scenery of the rice field which was completely covered with snow and the blackish mountain. It was like an ink painting and I felt so calm.