
カフェの名前は「多賀あさひや」ですが、これは教師だった祖母が昭和の初期に仕事を辞めてからしばらく開いていた土産物屋の名前が「朝日屋」でそれを私が引継いだものです。実は祖母の前に曾祖母も明治から大正にかけて店を開いていたことが、蔵から出てきた台帳を見てわかりました。この台帳は去年家を改修した時に蔵の「ガラクタ」の中にあったものです100年ちかく誰の手にも触れられたことのない古い台帳が今また明るい光の中に現れ出たのです。私の生まれるずっとずっと前の朝日屋とこの店に関わった人々との営みがこの古い台帳を紐解くことで分かってくるでしょう。何だか昔の扉を一つずつ開いていくようでドキドキします。"Taga Asahiya" is the name of my cafe which was inspired by my grandmother, who opened a souvenir shop of the same name after she retired from being a school teacher in early Showa era (1920's).  As a matter of fact, I found that my great-grand mother was also running a shop in late Meiji era (around 1900). I discovered this from account books which were found among the storage in my warehouse last year. It was hidden there for nearly 100 years without being touched by anyone. By researching these old account books, one can learn about deferred payment (credit), purchases of the material etc. made at the old "Asahiya"I am very excited about it!