昔の仲間が主催している演劇集団「GADSMITH」のフランス古典劇の朗読会に浦和まで行ってきました。昨日はジャン・アヌイ(1910-1987)の「アンチゴーヌ」でした。これはギリシャの三大詩人の一人ソポクレスの「アンティゴネー」を 題材としてアヌイが第二次大戦下のフランスで出版した悲劇です。真っ直ぐに進み決して心を曲げない少女アンチゴーヌ。冒頭、反逆者として野ざらしにされていた兄の遺体に彼女は夜明けに抜け出して張りつめた思いで弔いの土をかけた後帰ってきて乳母に言う言葉(正確には覚えていませんが)「きれいだったわ、何もかも灰色…。でももう絵はがきになってしまったわ。色のない世界が見たかったらもっと早起きしなくっちゃ。」若いときに演じてみたいと惹かれたアンチゴーヌ。演劇的基礎が訓練された俳優達による朗読劇の終った後の浦和のたそがれは何だかとっても優しく穏やかでした。I went to Urawa (in Saitama prefecture) to listen to a reading of classic French play by the theatre group "GADSMITH" which my old friend and her husband organize. Yesterday, they read Jean Anouilh's (1910-1987) "Antigone". It is a play inspired by the Greek tragedy, Antigone by Sophocles and it was published in France during the second world war. Antigone is a girl who stands up for what she believes in. Creon ordered to leave her brother's body outside to rot as a warning against rebellion, but Antigone went out to bury him for mourning even though she knew that the penalty for doing it was death. She sneaked back into her home in the early morning but was found by her nurse, at which point Antigone said to her: "It was beautiful. The whole world was gray. And now you wouldn't recognize it. It's like a post card. You should get up earlier, if you want to see a world without color." I wanted to play the role of Antigone when I was young. The reading was well done by the actors who were well trained in dramatic articulation. When I went outside after the reading, it was a beautiful twilight in downtown Urawa. I went home with a nice