昨日(6/18)、お能のイベントを行ないました。東京から観世流シテ方能楽師の鵜澤久氏、同じく観世流シテ方能楽師、鵜澤光氏、また大阪から大倉流小鼓方能楽師の久田舜一郎氏をお迎えし、謡と仕舞と小鼓の気魄に満ちたそれでいて大変和やかで格調高い時間が午後のひととき多賀 あさひやに流れました。記念すべき日を創っていただきましたことを三人の能楽師の先生方には勿論のこと、70名近くのお客様一人一人に、そしてお手伝い下さった人々に、深く感謝いたします。Noh event was held at the cafe yesterday. We had Kanze school Noh master in a a main role, Hisa Uzawa from Tokyo, Hikaru Uzawa from the same Noh school in Tokyo as well who is also a Noh master in a main role, and Okura school small hand drum player, Shunichiro Hisada from Osaka. The Noh chanting, Noh dance and a small hand drum performance was full of spirit. It was also a relaxing and magnificent afternoon at my cafe. I thank these three Noh masters, the nearly 70 guests who came to the cafe and people who helped with the event. They created such a memorable day for the cafe and for me.
Monday, June 19, 2017
6月19日(月曜日) 2017
昨日(6/18)、お能のイベントを行ないました。東京から観世流シテ方能楽師の鵜澤久氏、同じく観世流シテ方能楽師、鵜澤光氏、また大阪から大倉流小鼓方能楽師の久田舜一郎氏をお迎えし、謡と仕舞と小鼓の気魄に満ちたそれでいて大変和やかで格調高い時間が午後のひととき多賀 あさひやに流れました。記念すべき日を創っていただきましたことを三人の能楽師の先生方には勿論のこと、70名近くのお客様一人一人に、そしてお手伝い下さった人々に、深く感謝いたします。Noh event was held at the cafe yesterday. We had Kanze school Noh master in a a main role, Hisa Uzawa from Tokyo, Hikaru Uzawa from the same Noh school in Tokyo as well who is also a Noh master in a main role, and Okura school small hand drum player, Shunichiro Hisada from Osaka. The Noh chanting, Noh dance and a small hand drum performance was full of spirit. It was also a relaxing and magnificent afternoon at my cafe. I thank these three Noh masters, the nearly 70 guests who came to the cafe and people who helped with the event. They created such a memorable day for the cafe and for me.
昨日(6/18)、お能のイベントを行ないました。東京から観世流シテ方能楽師の鵜澤久氏、同じく観世流シテ方能楽師、鵜澤光氏、また大阪から大倉流小鼓方能楽師の久田舜一郎氏をお迎えし、謡と仕舞と小鼓の気魄に満ちたそれでいて大変和やかで格調高い時間が午後のひととき多賀 あさひやに流れました。記念すべき日を創っていただきましたことを三人の能楽師の先生方には勿論のこと、70名近くのお客様一人一人に、そしてお手伝い下さった人々に、深く感謝いたします。Noh event was held at the cafe yesterday. We had Kanze school Noh master in a a main role, Hisa Uzawa from Tokyo, Hikaru Uzawa from the same Noh school in Tokyo as well who is also a Noh master in a main role, and Okura school small hand drum player, Shunichiro Hisada from Osaka. The Noh chanting, Noh dance and a small hand drum performance was full of spirit. It was also a relaxing and magnificent afternoon at my cafe. I thank these three Noh masters, the nearly 70 guests who came to the cafe and people who helped with the event. They created such a memorable day for the cafe and for me.