6月10日(土曜日) 2017
夜、灯りを消した部屋に光が差し込んでいました。窓から見えるどの屋根も白く光って、見渡すと月に照らされた影もはっきりと見えます。月明かりがこんなにも明るいとは。満月が真っ直ぐこちらを見ていました。何と透き通った静かなる美しい光景!Last night, moonlight poured through the window into the dark room. When I looked over at the window, roofs were shining white and the outline of shadows of the things in the light's path were clearly seen. I was surprised at the brightness of the moonlight. It was a full moon and looked as if she was looking straight down at me. What a crystal-clear, calm, beautiful night!