既にお知らせしたようにロネジジの二人はこの秋相次いで骨折するという前代未聞の出来事に遭遇し今後の活動が見えない深刻な状況に陥り、広く緊急支援を求めるに至りました。事故に遭う前、つまり9月のライブが全て満席という絶好調で12月の再演は多くの方の要望に応える形でした。....が、その後の予期せぬ事故。クラウンが大好き! ステージに立ちたい! 皆さんの応援に応えたい! という二人は、しかしながら無理をして回復を遅らせてはいけないと2日間4公演に的を絞って稽古に励んだと思います。
RONE & Gigi's clown live was held on Dec. 27th and 28th in Tokyo. Since I had another stage which I wanted to support, organized by another friend in Saitama, I went to two theaters on the 27th.
As I explained before, Rone & Gigi had serious accidents individually this fall and they couldn't predict their schedule, so they needed to start crowdfunding for support. Last September, before their accidents, all their stages were full of seats because Rone & Gigi were introduced in the popular newspaper and it got many people's attention and many people came to their show. They were in great condition at that time and decided to have extra performances in December. Then Rone had a serious accident in India, and Gigi had a fracture next. Since they both love to be clowns, they wanted to perform their show and to respond to the support for them. They concentrated on rehearsing for the show in December.
It was the first time for me to watch the full version of the show in Tokyo, I enjoyed it 100%. However, the two clowns haven't recovered from their fractures completely yet, and it must have hurt. Rone and Gigi performed comical clowning one after another, sang songs and dances, getting laughter from the audience. I admired that they were really entertainers.
There was a small time for them to talk after the show. Then they said " we saw heaven and hell this fall". I wish for them warm support and to be able to say that they overcame crises as they enter into the new year. https://roneandgigi.com/emergency2024/6545/