ロネとジージのクラウンライブ「ムーンライト セレナーデ」とクラウン講座が終了しました。ライブは両日とも満席、講座も去年の2倍のお客様。お出でくださった皆様には心から御礼申し上げます。
さて、ジージ書き下ろしの新作「ムーンライト セレナーデ」は多賀が初公開。何をやってもうまくいかない男の耳には雨の音がやがて万雷の拍手に聞こえ、そこに現れた月うさぎに誘われて夢の世界へ....。観客は何だろうと思いながら知らず知らずロネとジージの巧みなジャグリングやマジック、コミカルなクラウニング、見事な歌唱、それに何回もの早替えに圧倒されながら面白さに引き込まれて、笑ったり拍手を送ったり。ライブショーの醍醐味を味わいました。ボールや長いクラブのジャグリング、ディアボロといわれる中国ゴマの技を目の前で繰り広げるのですから、前のお客様はハラハラドキドキ、TVや遠くのステージを観ているのとは訳がちがいます。お客様の反応が素晴らしくクラウンたちを元気づけているのがわかりました。
Clown Live and Clown Talk finished last weekend. All the seats were full for both live performances and the Talk had twice the number of participants as last year. I thank all of the participants very much.
I feel sorry for the clowns and participants because if we had a bigger space and better equipment, they would be much happier. Clowns who arrived at Taga a couple days before their performance and reliable helpers transformed the Japanese room into a special stage for the Clown Show. I was so impressed about it as an organizer.
ロネとジージのクラウンライブ「ムーンライト セレナーデ」とクラウン講座が終了しました。ライブは両日とも満席、講座も去年の2倍のお客様。お出でくださった皆様には心から御礼申し上げます。
さて、ジージ書き下ろしの新作「ムーンライト セレナーデ」は多賀が初公開。何をやってもうまくいかない男の耳には雨の音がやがて万雷の拍手に聞こえ、そこに現れた月うさぎに誘われて夢の世界へ....。観客は何だろうと思いながら知らず知らずロネとジージの巧みなジャグリングやマジック、コミカルなクラウニング、見事な歌唱、それに何回もの早替えに圧倒されながら面白さに引き込まれて、笑ったり拍手を送ったり。ライブショーの醍醐味を味わいました。ボールや長いクラブのジャグリング、ディアボロといわれる中国ゴマの技を目の前で繰り広げるのですから、前のお客様はハラハラドキドキ、TVや遠くのステージを観ているのとは訳がちがいます。お客様の反応が素晴らしくクラウンたちを元気づけているのがわかりました。
Clown Live and Clown Talk finished last weekend. All the seats were full for both live performances and the Talk had twice the number of participants as last year. I thank all of the participants very much.
I feel sorry for the clowns and participants because if we had a bigger space and better equipment, they would be much happier. Clowns who arrived at Taga a couple days before their performance and reliable helpers transformed the Japanese room into a special stage for the Clown Show. I was so impressed about it as an organizer.
Now," The MoonLight serenade" written by Gigi at Taga Asahiya was the first public release. It started with a story about a man who cannot do anything right. When he was providing hand-tissue papers to the pedestrians on the street, the rain started falling. While he was listening to the sound of the hard rain, he thought that it looked like an applause of the audience for him. He entered into his imaginary world and a white rabbit appeared there. RONE and Gigi showed their skillful juggling with balls and juggling clubs, funny clowning, amazing singing, diabolo, etc.. It is very different to watch the real show just in front of the audience rather than to watch on TV or far away from the stage. The reaction of the audience was very good and it encouraged clowns very much.
Clown Talk was followed by the show and it was also amazing. RONE showed us several traditional clown forms, explained about the difference between the laughing points of western people and Japanese, techniques of making fun of an aged person or person being cared for, and talked about facial expression. Audience was overwhelmed by RONE's wide knowledge and her humble personality. After RONE's talk, Gigi introduced the techniques of communication to other people. Many participants gave their comments which were very good and useful to their work. This clown talk was special in Asahiya and didn't exist in other clown shows.
Now, the Clown stage was all dismantled and now the room is back to the usual Japanese guest room. I feel something strange because it was so different between now and that time when clowns were performing. The previous space was packed with people and I feel I was in a dream. Clown lives and Talk were successfully finished and were full of passion of two professional clowns and assistant Maggie, big laughs from the audience and help from staff. I thank all of those people.