Thursday, May 31, 2018


朝から雨の肌寒い一日となりました。時折、激しく叩き付けるような雨脚に驚きながら先日の能の会がお天気であったことに今更ながらほっとして時間を過ごしました。さて、今カフェのカウンター横と蔵の壁には彦根のスケッチ画家、松居清恵(きよしげ)さんの多賀町各地の初夏の風景が額に入れられて掛けてあります。今は無人になってしまった大杉の大杉医院、遠く山裾の八重練の美しい集落、夏場は賑わう河内の風穴付近など地域の人には見慣れた風景であり、初めての人にはひっそりと佇む多賀町の美しい風景の数々です。どれもつい最近描かれたものばかりです。 是非、見にいらして下さい。It was a bit cold and rainy today since morning. Surprised by the heavy rain which was sometimes pelting down, I spent the time feeling relieved because the day of the noh event last Saturday was a fine day. By the way, you will see many sketches by Mr. Kiyoshige Matsui in the cafe. He caught the scene of Ohsugi clinic in Ohsugi (Ohtaki area) which is unoccupied now, the village of Yaeneri which stays beautiful in the skirts of a mountain, the area of Kawachi which is crowded in summer known as limestone cave, etc. These are familiar views for the local people or beautiful views for the people who are new to those places. Every sketch was drawn quite recently. I really hope you will come to cafe and enjoy them.