風野工房の染飾布展が始まりました。 古民家の我が家が野田浩二さんの染飾布で華やかに彩られ、それでいて 不思議な落ち着きを保っています。床の間も廊下も普段とは違った 和モダンなしつらえになり、気分最高です。展示品は全てお買い求めいただけます。どうぞお越し下さい。The dyeing textile exhibition by Kaze no Kobo has just started at my cafe today. Beautiful dyeing textiles by artist, Koji Noda are on display at my Japanese house. The textiles are brilliant but at the same time they maintain a sense of composure. The alcove and hallway are decorated in modern Wafu (modern Japanese style) which make these areas of the house looks very different from usual. The new look makes me very happy. You are able to purchase the textile pieces if you would like to. Hope many people will come and enjoy the exhibition.