Wednesday, February 27, 2019


5日間の風野工房、染飾布展が昨日終りました。開催中お天気に恵まれたのは幸いでした。 展示会にお出でくださった皆様、ありがとうございました。野田さんの作品が古民家の我が家に ぴったり合うとお客様皆様が言ってくださり、作品と日本家屋の両方を楽しんで下さったのは この上なく嬉しいことでした。展示会の片付けが終って、すぐ今度はお雛様を飾りました。古いお人形ですが 一年振りに床の間に飾るとそれぞれが息を吹き返したように語りかけてきます。展示会で購入した 野田さんの額が床の間を一層明るくしています。The five-day dyeing textile exhibition by Kaze no Kobo finished yesterday. We were lucky because during the exhibition all the days were clear fine days. I am grateful for those people who came to the exhibition. They said that Mr. Noda's art work matches well with my old Japanese house and they appreciated both his beautiful work and my old house which made me very happy. Soon after cleaning up the exhibition, I displayed Hina dolls in the alcove. Old Hina dolls appeared from the boxes they were stored in since one year ago and it looked as if they were talking lively to me. Mr. Noda's frame which I have just bought at the exhibition brightens up the area in the alcove.