Thursday, January 31, 2019


30日午後6時から山田周生さんに講演をしていただきました。 急なお知らせでしたが、30名ほどの方がお集まりくださいました。 お出で下さった皆様、ありがとうございました。 講演は、まず山田さんの現在の活動拠点である岩手県釜石市橋野町のエコハウスの位置、回りの環境、活動内容から始まりました。2011年3月11日に東日本大震災があり、これによって山田さんは大きな方向転換をなさいましたが、それまでの道のりを(20代から始まったとてつもない冒険旅行の数々を)素晴らしい写真を巧みな画像技術で見せながら話してくださいました。また、何十回と見てきた壮大な地球の自然が今、急速にその姿を変えていることも山田さんが撮った写真で私達は知る事ができ、この危機的状況に私達がどう対処すべきかそこに大きな問題提起がありました。太陽光や風力などを使って自力で持続する工夫をエコハウスが実践している紹介も力強いものでしたが、山田さん自身の人間としてのあらゆる能力の高さに皆は衝撃を受けました。しかしそれは比較して我が身を落胆させるものではなく、私達も何かしなければと奮起させるものであったことが今回の講演の素晴らしさだったと思います。It was a lucky chance to have a talk by Mr. Shusei Yamada on the 30th at 6pm at my cafe. Despite the short notice, 30 people came. I would like to thank them for coming. He started his presentation showing the location of Echo House at Kamaishi in Iwate where his activities are based and the surrounding environment, as well as explaining the activities themselves. March 11, 2011 ( the Great East Japan Earthquake) was a big turning point for him. He talked about his adventures up until then, showing beautiful photos with amazing animations on a powerpoint. He saw magnificent natural landscapes dozens of times but we are now faced with a crisis, and he showed photos which were taken by himself as evidence of the seriousness of the situation. It is important to ask ourselves what we can do. It was great that he introduced us to devices of sustainable energy such as solar power, wind power generation at his Echo House, but we received a particularly strong impact in knowing his high level of physical and mental strength in various situations, both during his adventures and during his time in Echo House. It's great that we were inspired by what he is doing now and what he will do in the future. In the same way, maybe we can take action in the things that we feel passionate about.