今日は小寒、つまり暦の上では寒の入りです。 今年の大寒は1月20日で、大寒は冬の一番寒い日と言われていますから今日から20日ごろまでは寒さが厳しくなるでしょう。今のところ雪も大して降っていないのが幸いです。さて、表通りの賑わいも一先ず今日で終わりでしょうか。三が日の混雑を避けて初詣にいらっしゃった方がカフェに寄ってゆっくりして下さいました。家が古いので隙間風があちこちから入りますが、エアコンと石油ストーブで何とか温かさを保っています。Today is "Shookan" and the beginning of midwinter. According to the net info., the "Shookan" literally means " Minor cold" and refers to the term before the coldest period. "Daikan (the coldest day)" of this year is Jan. 20th, so it will be cold until about that day. We are lucky up until now, because we haven't had many snow days. The bustle of new year on the main street to the shrine probably comes to the end today. I am glad that people coming to visit Taga Taisha during the first three days of the year chose to take a break from the crowds by stopping by my cafe and relaxing here for a while. Since the house is old, it is drafty, so I try to keep the room warm by putting on both air heating and oil heater.