2019年が幕を開けて早五日目となりました。 平成最後のお正月。元旦は晴天に恵まれ、多賀大社へ参拝の方も かなりでした。床の間には母の実家(長浜)にあった三幅對の掛け軸を いとこから借りて掛けました。色彩といい繊細な筆といい見事な軸です。久世三位源通根筆とあり、それぞれの軸の上方に和歌が読まれていますが、残念なことに描かれた時代、和歌の内容など詳しいことは私の力には及びません。どなたか古文書の読める方、お力をお貸し下さい。It's already the fifth day since the year of 2019 began. This is the last new year of Heisei era in Japan. The new year's day was a clear sky and Taga Taisha (shrine) was crowded with a lot of people for the new years visit. In the alcove in my house, I put a set of three hanging scrolls which were from my mother's house. My cousin who kept them kindly lent them to me during this special season. They are antique and wonderful from the viewpoint of color and brush painting. I could recognize the painter's name but unfortunately I can not figure out when he drew them and the meaning of the poems which were written in upper part of the scrolls in cursive style. I would appreciate information from anyone who has knowledge about them.