Saturday, July 15, 2017
7月15日(土曜日) 2017
梅雨明けはまだですが、先日から「猛暑日」とか「高温注意報」という言葉が頻繁に聞かれます。35℃を越す気温と日本特有の湿気で体力消耗ぎみの毎日。今はエアコンのお蔭で室内では快適に過ごすことができますが、それでも色や音それに触感などに涼しさ、爽やかさを創りだそうとした昔の日本人の芸術性は尊敬に値します。涼しげな風知草とトクサ(木賊)の鉢植えをH.Nさんが持ってきて下さいました。Although the rainy season has not ended yet, it has been terribly warm and I often hear ”Extremely hot day" or "High temperature warning" on the radio. I am very exhausted these days due to the temperature of more than 35℃ (95°F) and high humidity which is unique to Japan. Luckily we can stay cool in a room with an air conditioner nowadays. People in the old days created devices or gave ideas using colors, sounds and sense of touch to feel cooler and more fresh in their daily lives. I really admire their artistic creativity. Yesterday, my friend H.N brought two pots of plants for me. One is Fuuchisoo (Hakonechioa) and the other one is Tokusa (Hosetails). They make us feel COOOOL!