7月16日(日曜日) 2017
先日ブログで紹介しましたが、近江を特集した「つなぐ通信vol 16 Summer」がインテーネットでも見られることをお知らせします。 http://tsunagu-t.com/pc/current_n/ 海外や他府県にお住まいの方、どうぞ滋賀にお越し下さい。雑誌の中程に「多賀あさひや」が素敵な写真と一緒に紹介されています。私事でお恥ずかしいですが、お読みいただければ幸いです。The other day I introduced the magazine, "Tusnagu-Tsuushin" which featured Ohmi (Shiga-prefecture) in its most recent issue. Now you are able to read it online http://tsunagu-t.com/pc/current_n/ . I would like to invite people who are living outside of Shiga to come to this interesting region. There are pages in the middle of the magazine which introduces my cafe "Taga Asahiya" with nice photos. Although it is all written in Japanese, I would be glad if you have a chance to take a look.