今朝はミステリアスな一件がありました。 カフェの支度をして暖簾を出して、開店まで少し時間があったので、今の間にと銀行へ自転車を 走らせました、すぐに戻るのでお店の鍵は掛けずに。帰ってふらりとカフェの厨房に出ると、カウンターの上に茶色の袋が二つ置いてあります。「えっ?何…?」と思って中を見ると可愛いすだちが沢山と緑のレモンが3つ。袋のどこを見ても送り主の名前はなく、どなたかが朝、わざわざうちに持ってきて下さったのに間違いないのですが、はて、どなたが?…御礼の申し上げようがなく、取りあえずザルに載せて写真におさめたところでお客さまがカウンターに。到来物はカウンターに載ったまま。このミステリアスなお話をお客様にも話したので、お帰りの時に、送り主が分からないまますだちを二つずつお裾分けしました。御礼もまだ言えていないのに、お裾分けするなんて失礼とは思いつつ、新鮮なうちが一番なので差し上げました。ホントにどなたがお持ちくださったのでしょうか。ご親切な方が早くわかりますように…。This morning, a mysterious thing happened. After preparing cake for the cafe, I hung the shop curtain in front. I still had a little time before opening, so I decided to go to the bank by bicycle to do some errands without locking the shop door. When I came back and got into the kitchen of the cafe, I found two brown bags on the counter. "Oh, what is it? " and I looked inside the bags. There were cute Japanese limes and green lemons. I tried to find a name on the bags, but no name was there and there was no clue about who brought these. Therefore there is no way to say thank you for these fresh gifts. I took photos anyhow. Then the first customers came to the cafe. Those citrons were still on the counter. I talked about what happened to them. I felt sorry for not saying thank you to the person who gave those but decided to give some of them to the customers. I am still wondering who brought those and wishing that I find soon such a kind person.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
今朝はミステリアスな一件がありました。 カフェの支度をして暖簾を出して、開店まで少し時間があったので、今の間にと銀行へ自転車を 走らせました、すぐに戻るのでお店の鍵は掛けずに。帰ってふらりとカフェの厨房に出ると、カウンターの上に茶色の袋が二つ置いてあります。「えっ?何…?」と思って中を見ると可愛いすだちが沢山と緑のレモンが3つ。袋のどこを見ても送り主の名前はなく、どなたかが朝、わざわざうちに持ってきて下さったのに間違いないのですが、はて、どなたが?…御礼の申し上げようがなく、取りあえずザルに載せて写真におさめたところでお客さまがカウンターに。到来物はカウンターに載ったまま。このミステリアスなお話をお客様にも話したので、お帰りの時に、送り主が分からないまますだちを二つずつお裾分けしました。御礼もまだ言えていないのに、お裾分けするなんて失礼とは思いつつ、新鮮なうちが一番なので差し上げました。ホントにどなたがお持ちくださったのでしょうか。ご親切な方が早くわかりますように…。This morning, a mysterious thing happened. After preparing cake for the cafe, I hung the shop curtain in front. I still had a little time before opening, so I decided to go to the bank by bicycle to do some errands without locking the shop door. When I came back and got into the kitchen of the cafe, I found two brown bags on the counter. "Oh, what is it? " and I looked inside the bags. There were cute Japanese limes and green lemons. I tried to find a name on the bags, but no name was there and there was no clue about who brought these. Therefore there is no way to say thank you for these fresh gifts. I took photos anyhow. Then the first customers came to the cafe. Those citrons were still on the counter. I talked about what happened to them. I felt sorry for not saying thank you to the person who gave those but decided to give some of them to the customers. I am still wondering who brought those and wishing that I find soon such a kind person.
今朝はミステリアスな一件がありました。 カフェの支度をして暖簾を出して、開店まで少し時間があったので、今の間にと銀行へ自転車を 走らせました、すぐに戻るのでお店の鍵は掛けずに。帰ってふらりとカフェの厨房に出ると、カウンターの上に茶色の袋が二つ置いてあります。「えっ?何…?」と思って中を見ると可愛いすだちが沢山と緑のレモンが3つ。袋のどこを見ても送り主の名前はなく、どなたかが朝、わざわざうちに持ってきて下さったのに間違いないのですが、はて、どなたが?…御礼の申し上げようがなく、取りあえずザルに載せて写真におさめたところでお客さまがカウンターに。到来物はカウンターに載ったまま。このミステリアスなお話をお客様にも話したので、お帰りの時に、送り主が分からないまますだちを二つずつお裾分けしました。御礼もまだ言えていないのに、お裾分けするなんて失礼とは思いつつ、新鮮なうちが一番なので差し上げました。ホントにどなたがお持ちくださったのでしょうか。ご親切な方が早くわかりますように…。This morning, a mysterious thing happened. After preparing cake for the cafe, I hung the shop curtain in front. I still had a little time before opening, so I decided to go to the bank by bicycle to do some errands without locking the shop door. When I came back and got into the kitchen of the cafe, I found two brown bags on the counter. "Oh, what is it? " and I looked inside the bags. There were cute Japanese limes and green lemons. I tried to find a name on the bags, but no name was there and there was no clue about who brought these. Therefore there is no way to say thank you for these fresh gifts. I took photos anyhow. Then the first customers came to the cafe. Those citrons were still on the counter. I talked about what happened to them. I felt sorry for not saying thank you to the person who gave those but decided to give some of them to the customers. I am still wondering who brought those and wishing that I find soon such a kind person.