Tuesday, September 10, 2019

台風の直撃は免れましたが、代りに残暑の厳しい一日となりました。 朝おきると裏山から賑やかな蝉の合唱が聞こえてきます。先日取材を受けた神戸を中心とした旅の雑誌「ステーション」を手に したご夫婦が開店早々カフェにお見えになりました。ページを開けて「あさひやが大きく出ているから来ました」とおっしゃり、 ちょっと照れましたが、遠くからの嬉しいご来店でした。午後遅く、一人のご婦人が遠慮がちに入ってこられ、大きめの鞄をお持ちだったので「ご旅行ですか」とお尋ねしたら「御礼参りにきました」と。何だかこの「御礼参り」という言葉が胸に響き思わず「よかったですね」と返しました。福井から来られたこのお客様のお帰りは5時を過ぎていたので、残っていた餅粉ケーキといなり寿司を少しお持ち帰り用にお渡ししたところ、「ありがとうございます、主人のお土産にします。」と喜んで下さいました。ご主人のことで御礼参りに いらっしゃったのかな…、勝手な想像ですが、爽やかなお別れでした。Although we had just escaped the direct hit of the typhoon, it was severely warm today instead. When I woke up in the morning, I heard lively cicadas chirping from the mountains. My first customers of the day was a couple who was holding the magazine "Station" on which my cafe was introduced. Showing the article and photos in the page, the husband said to me "we came here because we found this cafe on this page". I was bit embarrassed but appreciated their visit to my cafe. In the late afternoon, a woman who looked modest and quiet came to the cafe with a rather big bag. I asked "Are you travelling?". She said " I made a visit to the shrine to offer my thanks.". Since I was moved by the word " offer my thanks", I replied to her " Oh, that's great". When she was about to leave, It was already five o'clock, so I put some Mochiko-cakes and Inari-zushi in two little cases and gave them to her. She said " Thank you so much, it will be for my husband.". I just guessed that she might have come to shrine to offer her thanks to her husband. In any case, it was a pleasant farewell.