Thursday, August 29, 2019

地元の友人から「ぼっちゃんカボチャありますが、どうですか?」とメールが来たので、カボチャらしいけどどんなものか分からないまま「いただきたいです!」と図々しい返事を送ったら、数時間後にわざわざカフェまで持って来てくれました。友人が手にした白いビニール袋には何やらごろごろボールのようなものが透けて見え、中を覗くと手のひらサイズのかわいいカボチャがいくつも入っていました。艶のいいゴーヤ3本とすんなり美人のナスが3本、それにやわらかそうなオクラも10本ほど入っていました。「ぼっちゃんカボチャ」、可愛らしい名前です。普通の大きいカボチャに比べて小さいので「ぼっちゃん」と呼ぶのでしょうか。滋賀県の豊郷名物だそうです。「坊ちゃん、嬢ちゃん」という日本語は今では日常で使うことはなくなりました。せめてかぼちゃの名前についていてよかったです。ついでに「じょうちゃん◯◯」という野菜もあればいいのに…。A friend of mine living in the same area sent an email asking "I have Bocchan kabocha (preppy squashes), do you need some?", so I replied "Yes, I would like some!", although I didn't know what exactly it is. Few hours later, she kindly brought them to my cafe. I saw several round objects like soft balls through the white plastic bag, and when I looked inside, there were five or six small squashes that could fit into a palm. There were also three bitter gourds, shining slim eggplants and some okras which looked fresh and soft. What a cute name " Bocchan Kabocha" is! I guess the reason for the name is because the size is small compared to regular big squash. I knew the fact from web info. It is a well-known product in Toyosato which is a nearby town in Shiga. The words "Bocchan & Joochan" (lit. boys and girls in a polite way of calling) are seldom used in everyday life nowadays. I am glad that the word Bocchan is left in the name of this kind of squash. I also wish there is another kind of vegetable named "Joochan ◯◯" ....