終戦記念日の日、西日本は台風の影響で大荒れに荒れました。夜になって強い風と雨が窓に当たって、先日までのカラカラでうだるような暑さの夜とはまるで違う様相、そして台風が去ってまたの猛暑に自然と共存する私達は戸惑いを感じずにはいられません。台風の日、昼間は買い出しに南彦根まで出かけるのですが、銀行など数カ所の外出以外は家の中でゆっくり(実にだらだらと)過ごしました。外出時に帽子とレインジャケット、それに傘をさして出ましたが、強風にあおられてさしていた傘が裏返ってしまう経験を久しぶりにしておやおやと思いながら傘はたたんで、雨の中人通りのない町の中を歩きました。多賀町も各種の警報や注意報が出ていたようで、山間部や川の側の方は大変だろうと思いましたが大した被害もなくほっとしました。我が家は幸いそのような心配はありませんでしたが、胸に留まる不安は嵐以外のものもたくさんあるものですね。On the memorial day of the End of the Second World War, the weather in West Japan was hit pretty rough by a big typhoon. During the night on that day, strong wind and rain hit the windows and it was completely different from the days which had been very hot and humid. Then after the typhoon had passed, the scorching heat came back again. We, as human beings, who must cooperate with the nature, are really confused by these natural changes. It was a regular closing day of the cafe and usually I go to Minami Hikone for grocery shopping but because of the weather I stayed at home relaxing (lazily) other than going out to the bank and other a couple of places in town. When I went out, I put on a hat, rain jacket and opened my umbrella. My umbrella turned over like an irregular mushroom which was something I had not experienced in a long time. Then I gave up trying to open the umbrella and walked in the rain on the lonesome street in town. I was worried about the people in the mountain side because there were several alarms and warnings about the weather in Taga, but I didn't hear any reports. There was no such worry about my house because it is far from mountains and rivers, but I still have a lot of anxiety for reasons other than the storm.