Monday, August 5, 2019

昨日から多賀大社の万灯祭が3日間の日程で行なわれていて、夕方から絵馬通りはたくさんの人で賑わっています。 カフェは夕暮れになる少し前に寄って休んでいかれる方が多く、お蔭様で私は忙しく注文を間違えないように 気をつけながら頭と手を使って動いています。午後2時ごろまでは時間もゆったりしていて、そんな時、昨日は思いがけない クール宅配便が届きました。三陸の生うにとわかめでした。送り主は全然知らない方だったので、岩手の釜石といえばS.Yさんかなと思い、お電話したところやっぱりそうでした。漁師さんに直接送ってもらうように頼んで下さり、それが届いたのです。生わかめが詰まっていたのが何かの瓶というところが嬉しかったです。カウンターにお座りになったお客様に少しお裾分けして、今日、カフェを閉めてから お皿に出して頂きました。いつもなら、好きそうな仲間に声を掛けるのですが、今日はその時間がなく一人でいただくことにしました。 多賀酒造の純米酒「秋の詩」をヘムスロイド村のガラス作家、東さんの素敵なぐい飲みに注いで贅沢な気分でいただく三陸の新鮮な生うにとわかめは海のない滋賀では決して味わえない食材です。お心遣いありがとうございました、S.Yさん!美味しくいただいています!!Summer Lantern Festival has been held since yesterday for three days and the Ema-doori (front street) is crowded with people who go to the festival at the shrine. Many customers who have time before all of the lanterns are lit stop by my cafe and have a chat with coffee. I have been keeping busy with paying attention to not to misdeliver their orders. I, however, have more time until about two p.m. because there are few customers. Yesterday while I was chatting with a customer in the guest room, a delivery man came to me with one refrigerated box. Fresh Uni (sea urchin) and seaweed from Sanriku Coast of Kamaishi in Iwate were packed inside. I felt strange because I didn't know the sender at all. I thought it must be from Mr. S.Y in Kamaishi, so I called him. It was from him as I expected. He asked the fisherman to send them to me. I loved that fresh uni were in a bottle which were probably from the fisherman's home, and not in a labeled container for selling. I took a little fresh uni on a small plate and gave it to the customer who was sitting at the counter to share the kind gift and I, myself enjoyed them tonight. Usually I call somebody to share these special food, but I didn't do it today because of not enough time. I appreciated these fresh sea food from Kamaishi with local Japanese sake in a special glass which was made by Mr. Azuma who is my favorite glass artist in Hemslojd village. It was a really luxurious time to enjoy these sea food which we seldom get in Shiga which is not located facing the sea. Thank you Mr. S.Y! They are sooo good!!