骨董がお好きで古美術に詳しい先生ご夫妻がカフェにお見えになり、奥様からお土産をいただきました。 素敵な竹の皮のラッピングで中を開けるとお手作りの粕漬けでした。去年漬けましたとおっしゃっていましたが、なす、キュウリ、 みょうがの粕漬けが沢山お行儀よく詰まって夕食が待ち遠しくなります。酒粕は毎年、多賀で買い求めていらっしゃるとのこと。 何よりのお土産を頂戴しました。一緒にお出でくださった墨画家の横田順(すなお)さん。作品の写真集をお持ちくださいました。 心にあるものを妥協なく墨で表現し続けていらっしゃる横田さん。ご本人とお話でき、その作品を(写真集で)拝見して充実感で 一杯です。An intelligent couple who likes antiques and has a wide knowledge about them came to my cafe today and I received a gift from the wife. It was nicely wrapped with bamboo peel and when I opened it there were vegetables pickled in sake lees made by herself. She said it was from last year. Pickled vegetables were eggplant, cucumber and Japanese ginger which were cut in bite-size pieces and they invited my appetite. She said that she buys sake lees in Taga every year because she can get nice ones. I really thank her for bringing such a nice gift for me. They brought their friend and introduced her to me. Her name is Ms. Sunao Yokota who is an ink brush painter and she brought a photo book of her works. They are amazing. I was so impressed by them and by her. She has been expressing everything that has existed inside herself using her keen sense of observation. I was very lucky to meet her and talked for hours in a quiet surrounding.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
骨董がお好きで古美術に詳しい先生ご夫妻がカフェにお見えになり、奥様からお土産をいただきました。 素敵な竹の皮のラッピングで中を開けるとお手作りの粕漬けでした。去年漬けましたとおっしゃっていましたが、なす、キュウリ、 みょうがの粕漬けが沢山お行儀よく詰まって夕食が待ち遠しくなります。酒粕は毎年、多賀で買い求めていらっしゃるとのこと。 何よりのお土産を頂戴しました。一緒にお出でくださった墨画家の横田順(すなお)さん。作品の写真集をお持ちくださいました。 心にあるものを妥協なく墨で表現し続けていらっしゃる横田さん。ご本人とお話でき、その作品を(写真集で)拝見して充実感で 一杯です。An intelligent couple who likes antiques and has a wide knowledge about them came to my cafe today and I received a gift from the wife. It was nicely wrapped with bamboo peel and when I opened it there were vegetables pickled in sake lees made by herself. She said it was from last year. Pickled vegetables were eggplant, cucumber and Japanese ginger which were cut in bite-size pieces and they invited my appetite. She said that she buys sake lees in Taga every year because she can get nice ones. I really thank her for bringing such a nice gift for me. They brought their friend and introduced her to me. Her name is Ms. Sunao Yokota who is an ink brush painter and she brought a photo book of her works. They are amazing. I was so impressed by them and by her. She has been expressing everything that has existed inside herself using her keen sense of observation. I was very lucky to meet her and talked for hours in a quiet surrounding.
骨董がお好きで古美術に詳しい先生ご夫妻がカフェにお見えになり、奥様からお土産をいただきました。 素敵な竹の皮のラッピングで中を開けるとお手作りの粕漬けでした。去年漬けましたとおっしゃっていましたが、なす、キュウリ、 みょうがの粕漬けが沢山お行儀よく詰まって夕食が待ち遠しくなります。酒粕は毎年、多賀で買い求めていらっしゃるとのこと。 何よりのお土産を頂戴しました。一緒にお出でくださった墨画家の横田順(すなお)さん。作品の写真集をお持ちくださいました。 心にあるものを妥協なく墨で表現し続けていらっしゃる横田さん。ご本人とお話でき、その作品を(写真集で)拝見して充実感で 一杯です。An intelligent couple who likes antiques and has a wide knowledge about them came to my cafe today and I received a gift from the wife. It was nicely wrapped with bamboo peel and when I opened it there were vegetables pickled in sake lees made by herself. She said it was from last year. Pickled vegetables were eggplant, cucumber and Japanese ginger which were cut in bite-size pieces and they invited my appetite. She said that she buys sake lees in Taga every year because she can get nice ones. I really thank her for bringing such a nice gift for me. They brought their friend and introduced her to me. Her name is Ms. Sunao Yokota who is an ink brush painter and she brought a photo book of her works. They are amazing. I was so impressed by them and by her. She has been expressing everything that has existed inside herself using her keen sense of observation. I was very lucky to meet her and talked for hours in a quiet surrounding.