先週の土曜日に彦根商工会議所主催で「日下部鳴鶴(くさかべめいかく)フィールドワーク」が 書道家の前田鎌利氏がお弟子さん30人あまりを引率して行なわれました。日下部鳴鶴(1838-1922)は彦根藩士で明治の三筆と呼ばれ近代書道を確立した一人です。彼の流派を受け継ぐ書道家は非常に多く前田鎌利先生もそのお一人です。日下部鳴鶴は彦根出身であるため、 この辺りには鳴鶴の書が多く残っており、実は我が家にも掛け軸が一幅あります。鳴鶴は書体も雅号も色々あって、私のように何も知らない者には教えていただくまでは誰の書か全く分かりませんでした。フィールドワークは今回が第二弾だそうで、彦根の天寧寺<https://www.biwako-visitors.jp/spot/detail/561>、一圓屋敷<https://www.ichienyashiki.jp/>、多賀大社を回って日下部鳴鶴の書を鎌利先生が解説なさったようです。お昼すぎに皆さんうちに来られて軽食のもち粉ケーキ/いなり寿司セットを召し上がりました。前田鎌利先生はまだお若いですが、書家であると同時にプレゼンテーションクリエイターとしても有名だそうで、ソフトバンクの孫正義氏のプレゼン資料の作成者として孫氏にその才能を認められたとのこと。現在は「書道塾 継未(つぐみ)」を主催して、全国15校、生徒数は700人以上だそうです。うちに来られた皆さんも彦根の生徒さんは勿論のこと各地の生徒さんが参加なさっていたようです。名所旧跡を訪ねる旅もいいですが、このように書家とともにポイントを絞ってその地を訪ねるのも充実した旅の楽しみ方だと思いました。Last Saturday, calligrapher Kamari Maeda took his disciples to the place where Meikaku Kusakabe left his work in Hikone-Taga area organized by Hikone Chamber of Commerce and the event was named " Field Work of Meikaku Kusakabe". Meikaku (1839-1922) is one of three great Calligraphers who was a feudal retainer of Hikone Domain and established modern calligraphy. Since Meikaku was from Hikone, he left many of his works in this area. As a matter of fact, there is one hanging scroll written by him left in my house. Meikaku Kusakabe used many pen names and he had several writing styles, so up until a calligrapher in my town told me it was Meikaku's work, I didn't have any idea who wrote the hanging scroll in my house. I heard that this was the second Field Work event and this time they visited Ten-nei-ji (Soto school temple in Hikone)<https://www.biwako-visitors.jp/spot/detail/561>, Ichien Yashiki<https://www.ichienyashiki.jp/>, and Taga-taisha. Master Kamari Maeda gave some explanation of each work. The group came to my cafe in the afternoon and ate a light lunch of Mochiko/Inari set which I made. Mr. Kamari is a young great male calligrapher, but he is also famous as a Presentation Creator. He used to work at Softbank and prepared presentation materials for Mr. Masayoshi Son who is a chairman holding SoftBank. According to the net info. Mr. Son acknowledged Mr. Kamari's ability. After Mr. Kamari left SoftBank, he presided a calligraphy class named "Calligraphy Class --Tugumi ” and now he has 15 classes throughout Japan and about 700 students are receiving his calligraphy lessons. On that day thirty students came to my cafe, and many students in his Hikone school were of course among them but also students from other districts such as Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe participated in the tour. It is nice to visit places of scenic beauty and historic sites, but this kind of tour which visit places with a special focus on a particular area with a specialist of that field is wonderful. I hoped that they enjoyed the hanging scroll in my house as well as the lunch set.
The photo was provided by Ms. Yoshiko Eryuu.