野崎さんのチェーホフの短編の読みは日本語でしたが、まるでロシア語を聴くような落ち着いた力強い響があり、一方で滑稽で可愛らしいところもありと幅広く大変勉強になりました。それに合わせたクラウンRone & Gigiのパントマイムは、写実的なところは言うまでもなく心理描写などのマイム表現が見事でどうしてあのような発想が生み出せるのかと驚くばかりでした。
The on-demand service provision of "Art-Talk 2021- Russian theatre and Clown world" ended last night. I enjoyed watching it again and again.
Yoshiko Nozaki's reading of the short stories by Anton Chekhov was in Japanese but it was as if she was reading in Russian which was mature and powerful. On the other hand, she sometimes read comically and cutely. I learned a lot of things about the way of reading from her. Clown Rone & Gigi showed their pantomime along with the reading. Needless to say, their realistic expression of the movement was wonderful, and I was amazed by their psychological expression which was creative and funny.
The on-demand service provision of "Art-Talk 2021- Russian theatre and Clown world" ended last night. I enjoyed watching it again and again.
Yoshiko Nozaki's reading of the short stories by Anton Chekhov was in Japanese but it was as if she was reading in Russian which was mature and powerful. On the other hand, she sometimes read comically and cutely. I learned a lot of things about the way of reading from her. Clown Rone & Gigi showed their pantomime along with the reading. Needless to say, their realistic expression of the movement was wonderful, and I was amazed by their psychological expression which was creative and funny.