Saturday, March 6, 2021

3月7日は月初めの日曜日で多賀大社近くでは朝市とともにイザナミマーケットが久しぶりに開かれます。多賀あさひやもこの日はイザナミランチをご用意します。根来(ねごろ)塗りのお弁当箱に入った特別御昼食と鮭粕汁をイザナミ(1373円)でご提供します。食後のコーヒが付くと1600円、さらにもち粉ケーキ2個付きで1700円です。献立は、えび甘辛炒め、筑前煮、かぼちゃコロッケ、野菜サラダ、金時豆、丁字麩ぬた、香のもの、豆ご飯、それに 鮭粕汁 です。皆様のお越しをお待ちしてます。(器だけの写真で失礼します。中身はこれから準備です。)March seventh is the first Sunday of this month and two markets will be held at Taga Taisha and near the shrine. One is called Asa-ichi (morning market) and the other one is Izanami-market which will be held after a time. We are planning to serve a special lunch for this day. In Japanese mythology, Izanami is a female god whose husband is Izanagi and these two gods created the earth. The special lunch will be served in a lacquerware lunch box called Negoro coating and a black lacquerware for the soup. It is 1373 yen which we did a sound play with Izanami and 1(ichi)-3(san)-7(nana)-3(mi{ another way of counting of three}). It will be 1600 yen with coffee, and 1700 yen with coffee and cake. Here is the menu: sweet and spicy stir-fried shrimps, braised chicken and vegetables, green salad, sweet kidney beans, wheat bran and vegetable in sweetened vinegar and miso, Japanese pickles, rice with green peas, and salmon vegetables miso soup with sake lees. (Sorry for the photo of just the containers. I will prepare the food soon.)