Sunday, February 28, 2021

一昨年と昨年、多賀あさひやでの公演と講座に来てくれたクラウン・Rone&Gigiによる「アートトーク2021ーロシア演劇とクラウンの世界」と題するトークショーが先日東京で行われました。コロナ禍で通常の公演ができない中、ロシアに縁の深い人たちとのコラボ企画です。ショーの最初と最後のチェーホフの短編2作「コレクション」と「偏見を持たない女」の野崎美子さんによるリーディングとクラウンたちのパントマイムのうまさに圧倒されました。地方でこうした公演が観られるのはオンデマンドならではと感謝です。The other day a talk show was held at Tokyo by Clown Rone & Gigi who came to Taga for their performance and lecture the year before last year and last year. The title of the show was "Art-Talk 2021--Russian theatre and Clown world". Because of the coronavirus, they can not have regular performances but they had a collaborative performance of four members, including those who have a deep relation to Russia. I watched the performance by an on-demand service provision yesterday. I was overwhelmed by Yoshiko Nozaki's reading of two short stories by Anton Chekhov which were "Collection" and " Woman without prejudice" and Clown-mime by Rone & Gigi. They were so good! I appreciated the on-demand system to be able to watch such a wonderful performance at my home which is very far from Tokyo.