Monday, February 22, 2021

今年も不揃いの古雛を飾っていますが、今回は豆人形を出してみました。どれも3〜5センチの小さな人形で決め込み人形は昔叔母の家に遊びに行った時にケースにたくさん入っていたのを「どれでもいいから持ってっていいよ」と言われもらったものです。器用な叔母が作ったものか他からもらったものか聞きそびれましたが、可愛らしいのでアメリカで飾っていたのを数年前にまた日本に持ち帰り今回のお目見えとなりました。亡くなって20年以上経つ父の妹。お世話になった叔母を偲びながらこの豆人形たちを眺めています。I displayed old Hina-dolls for the Girls Festival on March 3rd in which there are many missing dolls and parts. This year, I displayed several tiny dolls which are all 1 inch to 1.5 inch size as well. Some of them are from my aunt. When I visited her, I saw many tiny dolls in the glass case. She said to me that I could take some with me if I like, so I chose some. I didn't ask her whether she made them by herself or not. I brought them to Boston and displayed them at my house and a couple of years ago, I brought them back to Japan again.She passed away more than twenty years ago, and I am appreciating these lovely dolls as I think of her kindness to me.