Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 買い物の帰りに信号待ちしていて目に入った看板が興味深いものでした。「ダーツ・カラオケ」の下に「鍵付き防音 完全個室」。カラオケ店なので防音 個室というのはわかるとして「鍵付き」である必要があるのかと不思議に思って、その下を見たら「シャワー無料・タオル使い放題」とありました。ああそうかシャワー室だから鍵付きなのかと納得したものの、それなら防音である必要はないのにと疑問再出。何とも意味深げな看板です。On my way back home while I was waiting for the change of the traffic signal, a commercial sign came into my view and I was interested in it. It is written "Dart-throwing / KARAOKE" and below it " Soundproof private room with lock". I understand "soundproof private room" is because it is a KARAOKE facility but I thought it doesn't need to be locked. Then I saw further below the sign which said " No charge for shower ・use towels as many as you want". Oh, the lock is needed for the shower room! But, if so, I wonder why it is necessary to be soundproof? I am puzzled by this sign.