Mr. Shusei Yamada came to Shiga from Iwate this year again for the inspection of his Biodiesel fuel car (Vasco-5) which has a small biodiesel fuel plant devised by himself. We had two of his talk events at my cafe. As I requested him to talk freely without any particular theme, he gave a speech depending on the member of the participants and their reaction, taking out his data and photos chosen from his computer. I always admired his wonderful presentations. I cannot summarize his two hour speech because of my lack of ability, but I will try to do my best. Mr. Shusei Yamada has had many incredible experiences. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, he helped reconstruction of the disaster area. He also took on the challenge and devised ways of living with SDGs (sustainable Development Goals). His message is that we could live rich and happy lives depending on the choice of our lifestyle before 2030 when people say that it will be the turning point of whether the earth will survive or not.
He also talked about an experience last year where he went to the mountain to cut big trees and made logs to carry by a truck. There were some impressive lines he said. When he saw the annual rings after cutting the tree, he realized that it lived many years and generations. He said that he needed his determination at the risk of his life to cut the tree because he knows he will receive a very strong impact from the tree which has precious life in it. In order to raise excellent trees, we need to take care of them. If we don't, not only mountains will get rough but also the sea will get worse. At this point, a scene of "the Forest" from The Blue Bird written by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) came up in my mind. Old trees of various kinds and animals are all very angry about what human beings have done to them without any consideration and they accuse Tyltyl and Mytyl who were captured in the forest. I also remembered the scene of " The Kingdom of the Future" from The Blue Bird when Mr. Yamada talked about the children who have memories before they are born which is called The memory in the womb.
We are living in Japan which is blessed with mountains, sea and forest. However, global warming and the food crisis are progressing rapidly. If we leave the problem alone, it is obvious that we will face a crisis soon. Mr. Yamada said that we need to be aware of the messages which are being sent silently in various places.
Mr. Yamada continued that we already opened the Adventure Door when we were born and only ourselves can open the door of our life. We should live to make our soul satisfied. These words shared by Mr. Yamada as a result of his amazing experiences are very powerful and persuasive. We are the only ones who can open the door to living our true authentic selves and making our lives sustainable. He says that where you make a step forward is where the road ahead will reveal itself. I like this phrase. It makes me feel refreshed and encouraged. Mr, Shusei Yamada, Thank you so much!
Mr. Shusei Yamada came to Shiga from Iwate this year again for the inspection of his Biodiesel fuel car (Vasco-5) which has a small biodiesel fuel plant devised by himself. We had two of his talk events at my cafe. As I requested him to talk freely without any particular theme, he gave a speech depending on the member of the participants and their reaction, taking out his data and photos chosen from his computer. I always admired his wonderful presentations. I cannot summarize his two hour speech because of my lack of ability, but I will try to do my best. Mr. Shusei Yamada has had many incredible experiences. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, he helped reconstruction of the disaster area. He also took on the challenge and devised ways of living with SDGs (sustainable Development Goals). His message is that we could live rich and happy lives depending on the choice of our lifestyle before 2030 when people say that it will be the turning point of whether the earth will survive or not.
He also talked about an experience last year where he went to the mountain to cut big trees and made logs to carry by a truck. There were some impressive lines he said. When he saw the annual rings after cutting the tree, he realized that it lived many years and generations. He said that he needed his determination at the risk of his life to cut the tree because he knows he will receive a very strong impact from the tree which has precious life in it. In order to raise excellent trees, we need to take care of them. If we don't, not only mountains will get rough but also the sea will get worse. At this point, a scene of "the Forest" from The Blue Bird written by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) came up in my mind. Old trees of various kinds and animals are all very angry about what human beings have done to them without any consideration and they accuse Tyltyl and Mytyl who were captured in the forest. I also remembered the scene of " The Kingdom of the Future" from The Blue Bird when Mr. Yamada talked about the children who have memories before they are born which is called The memory in the womb.
We are living in Japan which is blessed with mountains, sea and forest. However, global warming and the food crisis are progressing rapidly. If we leave the problem alone, it is obvious that we will face a crisis soon. Mr. Yamada said that we need to be aware of the messages which are being sent silently in various places.
Mr. Yamada continued that we already opened the Adventure Door when we were born and only ourselves can open the door of our life. We should live to make our soul satisfied. These words shared by Mr. Yamada as a result of his amazing experiences are very powerful and persuasive. We are the only ones who can open the door to living our true authentic selves and making our lives sustainable. He says that where you make a step forward is where the road ahead will reveal itself. I like this phrase. It makes me feel refreshed and encouraged. Mr, Shusei Yamada, Thank you so much!