Saturday, February 20, 2021

1月2月の寒さは味噌作りに最適の季節。皆さんと味噌作りをして4年目。この時期、敏満寺の渡辺糀店の忙しさは半端ではない様子。丁寧に手で麹菌をつけていく手法はそれだけ良い麹ができるとか。多賀産の大豆と合わせてできる味噌の美味しさを知って今年もたくさんの方が参加してくださいました。一晩水に浸けた大豆を前日は朝からストーブにかけて柔らかく煮ておき、当日は熱々の大豆をしっかりしたビニール袋二枚重ねの中に入れてできるだけ滑らかな状態まで潰していきます。機械があれば大したことはないこの作業、うちでは手や足を使って潰していくので結構な運動。大豆が潰せたら、先に混ぜておいた塩と麹を投入して更に混ぜ込みます。それをボールにして壺に投げ入れ空気が入らないようによくならします。最後は酒粕で蓋をしてラップ、更に塩袋を作って上に置き、冷暗所で8〜9ヶ月寝かせれば自家製味噌の完成というわけです。The cold of Jan, & Feb. in Japan is good for making Miso. It is the fourth year since we started to make Miso together. Maker of malt who runs their shop as a couple in Binmanji of my town is terribly busy making Kooji ( rice malt) because of many orders. Their method for producing rice malt is that they mix aspergillus oryzae into boiled rice by hand without using machines, which produces better malt. Many people participated in this Miso-making event because they know they can produce very good miso with rice malt and soybeans which are both produced in this region. The process of making miso is the following; Boil soybeans which are soaked in water overnight. The next day reheat and put them into doubled strong plastic bags, and smash until very smooth. (If you have a machine, it will not be hard to do this process, but it is hard to do with hands and feet.) Mix salt and rice malt beforehand and put them into the smashed boiled soybeans and mix well. Make balls with mixed soybeans and put them into the container. You should not make any space for air in it. In the end, cover with sake lees, place plastic wrap and put a salt bag on it. Keep the container in a cool and dark place for about eight to nine months.







