Friday, February 12, 2021

 30年以上前、私がまだ東京にいた時に数回会い当時は養護学校の先生でしたが、今は宮古島伊良部島で奥様とハーブ園をなさっている近角敏通さん。当時から穏やかで優しいお人柄の中にも確固たる信念を持った方との印象がありましたが、伊良部でハーブを育てながら豊かにお暮らしの様子が配信されたYoutubu動画でわかりました。因みに、近角さんの節分は「鬼はうち、福はうち」だそうです。Let me introduce Mr. Toshimichi Chikazumi whom I met a couple of times more than thirty years ago when I was still in Tokyo and at that time he was a teacher at a Special-needs School in Yokohama, and now he is running a herb plantation with his wife at Irabu in Miyakojima Island, Okinawa Prefecture. I had an impression that he was not only a calm and gentle personality but also had a strong conviction. Although his environment changed dramatically, it seems he hasn't changed a bit. He sent a video on Youtube in which he tells about herb, the products, welfare and his life in Irabu island.