昨日紹介した豆人形の右奥、傘の下で何やら売っている人。気になってよ〜く見てみたら結構面白い。勝手に男の人だと思っていたのが実はおばあちゃんで、立っていると思っていたのが実は台の上できちんとお座りしてました。何を売ってるのかよく分からず写真に撮って拡大して見ると「…豆一せん」と書いてあります。台の上のものはほとんど取れていますが、おばあちゃんのそばに鳥が来てるのは、こぼれたお豆を食べにやってきているのか。芸が細かい!これは叔母からのものでなく家にあったもの。「一銭」という通貨からして明治〜昭和初期の他愛のないお土産用の人形でしょう。「豆売りのおばあちゃん」。長閑(のどか)な時代が感じられます。When I introduced tiny dolls yesterday, I was not paying much attention but after that I was interested in the doll which was selling something under the umbrella in the back right corner, so I looked more closely. At first I thought it was male seller, but it was an old woman, and I thought the seller was standing but she was sitting with her knees bent on the rack. Since I didn't know what she was selling, I took a photo and looked at the enlarged version. There is a little sign on the table and it says "one Sen ( about 50 cents? ) for... beans". There are very few items remaining on the table but two birds near the stand seem to have come to eat the beans. I like these detailed expressions. I found this tiny figurine at my house and not from my aunt. Guessing from the currency of "Sen", I believe it was from Meiji to early Showa (1870-1930), and it seems to be an ordinary souvenir figurine. " Old woman selling beans" makes me imagine peaceful times.
昨日紹介した豆人形の右奥、傘の下で何やら売っている人。気になってよ〜く見てみたら結構面白い。勝手に男の人だと思っていたのが実はおばあちゃんで、立っていると思っていたのが実は台の上できちんとお座りしてました。何を売ってるのかよく分からず写真に撮って拡大して見ると「…豆一せん」と書いてあります。台の上のものはほとんど取れていますが、おばあちゃんのそばに鳥が来てるのは、こぼれたお豆を食べにやってきているのか。芸が細かい!これは叔母からのものでなく家にあったもの。「一銭」という通貨からして明治〜昭和初期の他愛のないお土産用の人形でしょう。「豆売りのおばあちゃん」。長閑(のどか)な時代が感じられます。When I introduced tiny dolls yesterday, I was not paying much attention but after that I was interested in the doll which was selling something under the umbrella in the back right corner, so I looked more closely. At first I thought it was male seller, but it was an old woman, and I thought the seller was standing but she was sitting with her knees bent on the rack. Since I didn't know what she was selling, I took a photo and looked at the enlarged version. There is a little sign on the table and it says "one Sen ( about 50 cents? ) for... beans". There are very few items remaining on the table but two birds near the stand seem to have come to eat the beans. I like these detailed expressions. I found this tiny figurine at my house and not from my aunt. Guessing from the currency of "Sen", I believe it was from Meiji to early Showa (1870-1930), and it seems to be an ordinary souvenir figurine. " Old woman selling beans" makes me imagine peaceful times.